View Full Version : Only Joined Yesterday And Can See Light At The End Of The Tunnel

17-11-11, 13:15
I joined yesterday after spending the night before reading through the information provided by NMP...
I have Sinus Tachiacardia which is difficult to live with on its own let alone with Panic/Anxiety Disorder on top...
I couldnt see a way forward after being on different meds and having to wait a stupid amount of time waiting for councelling sessions and being admitted and discharged from hospital a handful of times...

I logged on today to see if anyone had read my post asking if anyone else suffered with the same AND I HAD A REPLY!!

Someone has the same condition i have and has battled through and is leading a "normal" life again
This has given me a huge boost of hope and motivation to get better for good!!

I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and am not leaving until Im happy!

Thank NMP!!

17-11-11, 13:48

You have a fantastic attitude which will guide you to future happiness. Keep it up!

All i would say is keep thinking rationally, be determined to sort your condition out, and most of all use your doctor the most you can.

Best of luck for the future