View Full Version : How the Hell do I/can I go back???

17-11-11, 14:09
Been off work for 10months due to bullying by a work colleague - they've denied it all, called me a liar and that I've imagined it all and management want me to leave the past in the past and return to work and move on (yeah, like its that easy :mad:). Neither my gp nor counsellor feel I would be up to going through a formal process. Anyway, I've been so ill and stressed because of this, on medication and at counselling but I've come to the end of the road because a) my mental health can't take the strain of deciding whether to go back to work or not and, b) my payments are running out. I'm torturing myself with knowing what to say tocolleagues asking questions about why I've been off (easy when its a broken leg or something visible) and I don't even know if I can walk through the door but then I think of the money, I'm so very lucky to have a job - might never have the confidence to get another and that there were some good aspects of it. I really am in mental anguish, can't sleep, and don'tknow what to do for best. I keep weighing up the pros and cons but still can't decide. Can anyone offer any advice?? :weep:

17-11-11, 14:53
the best advice is do whats best for your mental health hun!! I know that type at work where they cant keep there mouths to themselves and pressure u must be under. I was also bullied by my manager and was never able to prove it and that feeling of powerlessness never leaves you!! I left my company after a long winded letter expressing concerns for the staff working for that particular manager, it didn't get me anywhere but made me feel better @ the time. I suggest that you be honest with yourself and weigh it up wither it's worth staying or leaving!! either way try n make your self happy your only here once!!:) let me know how you get on


17-11-11, 18:11
Thank you so much Elle - it makes me feel a bit better just putting it in black & white!