View Full Version : Need Opinions..lymph node!

17-11-11, 15:16
One month ago I went to the doctor for a small lump in neck. He told me it was a swollen lymph node, very small, soft and moveable and that cancerous ones are tend to be hard and fixed. He said it would probably go away in a few weeks, if in a month it was still there, he would biopsy it for me. My question for all of you, the node has shrunken considerably. I can barely feel it now, my husband can't at all anymore. At this point if I didn't know I had it I would have never noticed it. Should I still get it biopsied, even though it's shrinking but not completely gone yet? It's been a month since I discovered it. thanks so much!

---------- Post added at 09:16 ---------- Previous post was at 09:14 ----------

Also, I'm not overly anxious about it since it has shrunk, surprisingly, but I want to err on the side of caution.

17-11-11, 15:53
cancer doesn't just shrink on it's own. if it was me i woulddn't have the biopsy for definite. x

17-11-11, 16:36
i had three in my armpit couple of weeks ago from infection, went on antibiotics and my doc said they would be gone in a week, two weeks later and they are still there but smaller than before, i aggravated them loads by touching them but haven't in a while, the pain has also gone too as they really hurt but as soon as i started the med it went. Give them time to go down, especially if they went up so quick xx

17-11-11, 16:49
Well thats a good sign that its shrinking. If your doc doesnt think its necessary then take his advice and dont do it. x

17-11-11, 18:00
I have a large lymph gland in my groin (think the size of a large kidney bean) I have had it for nearly six months and it has never shunk. I have been checked out and they believed it is fribrotic and nit dangerous. The fact that yours has shrunk then I would say you have nothing to worry about. HTH x

22-11-11, 01:37
Thank you! I called my doctor and asked what he thought. He told me if it has shrunk and I am not feeling anxious about it we didn't need to biopsy it. I can't believe how long it takes these things to go down. This just reinforces my decision not to google. Google said after a week if it hadn't gone down, it is probably something bad. Mine took a month to shrink and is still not totally gone. Don't google!

22-11-11, 07:28
Google advises rushing to the doctors for everything. It is evil! I had lumps in my armpit that took 3 months to go, ones on my leg that took a year to go, ones on my ear that took 4 weeks and ones in my groin that took months. The body produces lumps, its almost natural :)