View Full Version : excited feelings..

becks xxx
17-11-11, 19:10
would really apreciate some reassurance :( things have been going so well for me lately, now im having a bit of a setback.
i've been going to college most days and been doing well.. and i know ive posted about this so many times before but every now and then will get this weird too happy/excited feeling in my head that freaks me out. i notice if im having a laugh i get this feeling which automatically makes me stop laughing and i get scared thinking im going manic and i have bipolar (i dont by the way)
but i've been pulling through...
but on my period i always have mood swings, where i go from feeling low to ok , feeling low to ok and so on
now this ok moment seems to be changing to this weird sort of excited feeling. i'm so caught up in thinking i have bipolar again. i dont have no other symptoms like wanting to spend loads, or anything, none
but im just so thinking i have it because of this excited feeling.
noone can go from depressed to feeling a bit good can they im so scared and it's completely set me back again :-(

30-11-11, 22:58
i have the same (minus the periods as im male) but i know how you feel and fear the same thing, here is a test from- Psychcentre (http://psychcentral.com/quizzes/bipolarquiz.htm) and its a link for the bipolar test, i recently went to my docs about this very issue and she said "iv treated bipolar and you dont have it" but i still fear it! for me its the idea that it would prevent me from doing my law degree which is uber important to me! it very upsetting but take the test and try to find actual people who have or do suffered and read their stories and see if it ties in to yours, which i dont think it will

---------- Post added at 22:58 ---------- Previous post was at 22:34 ----------

hi there (again) but i just took the test and scored 4 ( i trust the test as if i do the anxiety test it says i have moderate anxiety which is what the docs and mental health nurse and Councillor says too) and these are my symptoms-

at the moment im on a "high" as in im not very depressed or anxious, and feel i may be able to have a normal life...but if i have a problem with my eyes ( i have a phobia of going blind) i slip into a depression and become very fearful of the future.

if i have a health problem that i feel cant be cured i again spiral down but my mood is usually ok and i can function, unlike a person with bipolar who on manic states cant even sleep or eat to any degree, i have never spent to much or felt i could cure AIDS but almost ever site i have seen describe bipolar says "ALL the symptoms of bipolar can be normal fluctuations of mood and also made worse by stress and a life history as well as family history will be needed" i have the ideal example, i once knew a guy, Gary, who in one day managed-
to get a date with an attractive girl,
win £50 on a scratch card
find a mobile phone (which he kept as he was that type of person)
get a lift home from work ( a 11 mile trip that would have taken him hours)

when i saw him he was sooooo manic he believed he could walk to the moon and find gold, he WAS NOT bipolar but reacting to things that happened! again all the people who have bipolar i have read about have been told "you need to see a doctor, im worried about you" by a friend or loved one! its a funny illness and you fearing it usually means that you probably dont have it!

hope i have helped

28-05-14, 07:19
It is fun to take this test mine is different story

---------- Post added at 06:19 ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 ----------

The test you have shared is from trusted author but i will suggest you this 30q bipolar test. You may also find anxiety test. In my case this test scored me accurately and i am taking it overtime to check whether i am improving. Here it is: http://illnessquiz.com/bipolar-test/
I am also suffering from bipolar and my course is going over and feeling better now.

28-05-14, 21:11
Hi, just wanted to let you know that the excited feeling doesn't mean bi-polar. Adreneline rushes are very common in anxiety suffers and for a long time...I suffered with these rushes where you desperately crave the happy giddy feeling, that you try to be positive and then you get these rushes that make you feel a bit excited but it crashes back down immediately and leaves you feeling upset and confused. I too thought I was bi-polar, but my anxiety is more under control now and I no longer get these rushes so it can't be bi-polar xx