View Full Version : What am I doing here? What should I do?

17-11-11, 23:26
Hi, thanks for coming in. Forgive me if this post is a bit jumbled, it's a bit hard to explain. Also, I'll probably waffle so bear with me.

I have a long history of anxiety and panic. I had been on Paroxetine for 11 years. My Dr suggested changing to Fluoxetine a good few weeks ago and just straight swapped me over. What fun that has been! :scared15: Huge panic attacks and suicidal at times.

Luckily the really bad panic attacks have calmed down. (I was literally getting through on Diazepam.) I knew the paroxetine affected me but I didn't realise how much. For the last 6 or so years I have honestly thought I had an underactive thyroid. I kept asking for blood tests as most days I literally only had the energy to either brush my teeth or wash up. I could sleep 12 hours + and wake feeling like I hadn't slept a wink. It would take me hours to come too and my brain was just fog. I didn't realise how much untill I have come off them.

One of the things I was diagnosed with back in 1997 was GAD (Plus, agoraphobia, OCD, Depression, and panic disorder.). Nobody ever told me what it was, the symptoms, what it entails, ect. I just thought I couldn't get a handle on my anxiety as it never got better and that must mean it was getting worse! I've only found out the past few weeks what it actually is.

I know I typed out that paragraph for a reason but it's gone from me now! :p I think it's because now I am on the fluoxetine my head is clear, I can remember my name! Before I was in such a thick fog that I was just in the anxiety and panic and just did what I could to dimish it. Mostly I suppose by indulging in my OCD and if really bad, a diazepam. One of my other coping techniques is to sleep.

At first, and until today, I felt like I had the rug pulled out from under me. My entire world had changed completely. I felt like I had a baptism of fire. Going from sleeping and blurryness to being totally aware. I talked it over with my mum earlier though and realised I had made a CHOICE. My Dr had also described Olanzapine (Anti-phsycotic.) to take. I haven't taken them. I have chosen not to go back down the foggy sleepy route and do all I can to escape panic/anxiety. I realised I have CHOSEN to pro-actively do things to help manage anxiety. I have been doing muscle relaxation, walking for 20-30 mins every other night, mindfullness, soothing self talk(I was doing breathing exercises but was told I was doing them wrong and I couldn't find one consistant way and then got into a bit of a panic about it. I do try to deep breathe through panic though and it helps.), recognising that my thoughts are just thoughts and letting them go. This last week I'd say I've had a couple of hours where I wasn't feeling anxious or panicky.

The trouble is, where everything has changed I suppose I am feeling a bit lost. A bit, what should I do? How am I supposed to be? I've had a couple of times where the question of, 'Why am I here?' is of such importance. I tried to tell myself with that one that nobody can answer that and I am here so get on with it. I seem to question my existance. It's hard to explain, it's like, I was one way for so long and now it's all different. I am more aware of the anxiety in a way, well, the duration of it anyway. Do you think this is just still anxiety? Possibly part of GAD? (I knew I put that paragraph in for a reason. ;) )

For instance, I'm having real trouble in the mornings now. I never used to. I was waking with my heart pounding and in a bit of a panic a couple of times. Also with just generally unplesant emotions (The whys? Ie, 'What am I doing here? Why am I here? Why am I trying?' I just feel strange and uncomfortable.). I tried muscle relaxation and distraction and soothing self talk. When I do wake up OK (A couple of times now.) I'm so scared of it coming! It's like,'I'm ok at the moment but what if it hits me?' Like I have to be on guard for it then of course it happens.

I do still get very deppressive thoughts but I told myself I have choosen to live and try and dismiss them.

Sorry it's such a long read and thank you sticking with it so far. I guess I am just seeking reassurance of some kind. Is what I am going through normal? Does anything sound familiar? Can anybody help with my morning troubles? I don't know if it helps to add that I haven't had a routine in years, I was just too tired. Maybe I should start working on one?

Thank you so much again for reading and I hope I haven't gone on too much or got too jumbled. Any help would be really appreciated.

EDIT: I forgot to add that I experience anxiety/panic every day.

eight days a week
18-11-11, 00:20
I'm just off to bed, but read your post with much interest zen (are you interested in zen gardens at all - guess you must be! - I am, and spent lovely blissful hours sitting observing them when I lived in Japan :))

Sorry for the non-answer (just for now). Your post cried out to me and there are things I'd love to talk about, so I just wanted to post to 'tag' your thread, will be back soon, and in the meantime wish you all the best :)

18-11-11, 00:26
Thank you for your reply eight days, I really appreciate it. I'm very intrigued also! :) I look foward to hearing from you again.

I was trying visulization and imagined my relaxed place as a zen garden. :) Never been to one but glad you have. It sounds like a lovely experience. :)

eight days a week
18-11-11, 00:39
It's the most amazing thing, zen. I have never felt peace and calm so much in my life, apart from when I studied Tai Chi, (I have always been 'on edge' and 'uncomfortable' with myself since I was a young boy) - but in a zen garden it almost feels impossible to feel like that, they are so utterly very peaceful, and at one with nature - and so, I think, incredible things to visualise - I should take my lead from you!

If you're interested please do google Tofukuji and other zen temples in Kyoto for images (although the images don't even to begin to really bring across the places, they do give some idea :))

I'm sorry, I don't mean to derail your thread just as it's starting and there are so many other things in your post that called out to me I just wanted to post here so I could remember to post back.

Best wishes for now :)

19-11-11, 14:48
If anbody else wants to reply, please do, am having a really bad day today.

19-11-11, 15:33
Hi Zen,

You post was very interesting. I am on Fluoxetine long term and looking to change, I feel similar to you and am sure I have an under active thyroid but tests say no! I never have any energy, feel rotten so hoping to change them.

I can empathise with a lot of the thoughts you have about why we are here etc. I often wonder and often feel it is more of a punishment than a joy :weep:

Anyway, I wish someone like you lived close to me as I sometimes wonder if we would improve more quickly if we had someone to motivate us and vice verser. Someone with the same problems to work with rather than someone advising us who learnt what they know from a text book.

Anyway feel free to pm me for a chat or anything else.

PS Hope you are doing ok now?

19-11-11, 18:01
Hi Zen, I'm the same as you, sometimes ask myself why i'm here living, I feel it's a waste.

will try and write more, but for now thats all I can manage....

19-11-11, 20:00
Thanks both so much. :hugs: I do appreciate it can be hard to reply so thank you. Just having a really bad day. I've been trying to go out and exercise but last night pushed myself and had a big panic.
I'm also not very good when I first get up and my two and four year old nieces came round early. I actually couldn't do it, even after a diazepam, saw them for 10 mins or so. I've never not been able to see them so I presume that has dented my confidence too.
It just feels a bit unrelenting at the moment. I'm sure these fluoxetine don't suit me. I won't get much help from my GP as he is useless. He'll tell me to wait untill my re-assessment on Tuesday which they don't even have a meeting about until Thursday. Then if I do change meds it's adjusting to them again. :(
My neighbours have been playing up too. They get very drunk and bang and crash around, play loud music, I had one of their visitors just walk into my flat earlier.
Sorry, those last two paragraphs were a rant but it felt better getting them out.
I suppose it all just feels a bit unrelenting at the moment. Will it ever end?! Thank you for listening and sorry for being so moany/down. I really hope you are all having a much, much better day. :hugs:

20-11-11, 03:53
Hi zengarden, it sounds you've been through a lot and been having a very tough time, just to put your mind at rest everything all your anxiety is normal e.g. heart palpitations, racing thoughts etc. I do know what it's like to feel lost, question everything, also waking up feeling like crap and having heart palpitations trust me I've been through it myself, have you suffered from depression, you may have GAD or possibly Pure O OCD, I also have memories of feeling lost and down at times,

---------- Post added at 03:41 ---------- Previous post was at 03:08 ----------

@zengarden, just to reply to my post though I forgot what I wrote which I do apologize for, I recommend googling Charles Linden who is anxiety and panic attack expert and former sufferer who has cured over at least 200,000 people worldwide from anxiety, panic attacks, ocd, various phobias & more, I highly recommend it and would suggest talking to your GP about medication which u feel works best, I'm currently on propranolol & have been prescribed citalopram by my GP, feel free message me if you want to talk

---------- Post added at 03:53 ---------- Previous post was at 03:41 ----------

I do hope this all helps and send me a message if you ever want to talk, hope you get better! Regards Jamie :)