View Full Version : Call of Duty MW3 your thoughts

18-11-11, 11:29
Im sure all the women on here think this game is the devil! Watching their husbands/partners play it day in day out, but as a man im just wondering if anyone plays it and what do you think from MW2 to the new one?

My thoughts are "a bit of a let down", not much has been changed since the last one and it is diffenantly missing the Cod spark you normaly get.


18-11-11, 14:01
That was out recently?
I don't play it sorry :(
I did just get Syrim though , none of my female friends have a clue what it is lol.
All my male are playing it too so least I have people to share my excitement with :)

Vanilla Sky
18-11-11, 14:16
Dont start me off on this lol , I am a modern warfare widow grrrrrrrrrrrr !!

But if hes happy ........ :)

20-11-11, 18:07
I think the single player story is a bit same old same old. Completed that, won't go online because of all the little bleedin ninjas out there! And the abuse.

20-11-11, 20:55
I'm very old school. You will never, never beat the original Doom games, the games which basically invented the modern FPS shooter. (Yes I'm aware Wolfenstein came before, but Doom is Doom... it's like saying people worse silly moustaches before Queen, or someone sang a song about an uprising before Muse released Uprising.)

I haven't played MW3, but I imagine it won't be better than MW2. My mate and I spent the best part of a year fighting side by side in the special missions, one of us an SAS assault trooper, the other a US Marine, me running out into the plane graveyard to collect enemy "juggernauts", while my mate sniped said Space Marine wannabes as they chased me in true Benny Hill fashion.

On the other hand, I got Doom for the Playstation in 1995, and I'm STILL playing Doom 18 years later. For all their hype as "most awaited game ever", modern shooters are probably not going to last 18 years, because they're all the same! You run to a door, wait for ages until the other characters finish speaking, then simply follow a glowing line to the next place where you stand around for ages. You usually get separated from the other squad members (who are all invulnerable, but never seem to kill any baddies), then you have to link up with them. En-route, the other team gets attacked and is forced to relocate, so you have to trudge further to get to them. Occasionally, especially on older games eg Doom 3 (a gigantic step backwards from the original Doom games), the squad gets slaughtered just before you link up from them.

So what's the plot for Doom? Are the Russians invading? (I mean, the Russians, in this day and age?) Has someone planted a nuke? Are we all going to Afghanistan?

No. You're a Marine who gets sucked into Hell, and you've got to get out of there alive. On the way, you destroy anything that gets in your way.

If you want to know why Doom is so awesome, view this video, which shows how Doom would be if it was released today. PS yes the graphics and music are terribly by today's standards, but why does everything have to look like a Holywood epic and have giant bosses that are bigger than the screen?


21-11-11, 07:55
I love the old games, Quake, the first couple of tomb raiders, Half Life, Star Wars Rogue Squadron.. they were so good because of the playability rather than the cut scenes / hollywood actor voiceovers / online multi play etc...

21-11-11, 16:11
im still a good old fashoined playstation one gurl, bring back crash bandicoot or casper, and yes i am to a MW3 widow or COD wife lol

21-11-11, 17:32
And Mario kart on the N64, spent many nights in the studio when i should have been working playing that

21-11-11, 19:00
Old game's will always rule. When ever you played a new one out, be it Mario Kart, Zelda, Halo 1, you would always get a certain feeling that will always stay attachted to it when ever you go back and play it.

Now the "follow on games" like MW3 is well? the feelings not there anymore. It's tryed to be different to MW2 but done it in a very poor way. The old ones Better!!

New out of the box games are always the best. With the older game's consoles their was less games released making each one played more special.