View Full Version : Visit to the specialist

Gemma T
18-11-11, 13:04
Hi Everyone

I have finally seen the specialist about my oral cancer fears and lumps and bumps in my mouth. He examined my mouth and the lumps on the side of my tongue are lingual tonsils and the things i thought were ulcers are blocked saliva glands. Apparently we have hundreds covering the surface of our mouths. He said I have good oral hygeine and my mouth was a healthy colour and texture.

He ok the bump on the roof of my mouth as well and again said it was a blocked gland.

I walked out as happy as hell and was completely ok for a few weeks. Then my doubts and questioning stepped in. But only about the bump on the roof of my mouth. I read once about a lady who had one that didnt get bigger but was a cancerous tumour. It was growing up towards her nasal cavity. I cant stop thinking about it. I keep checking it with my tongue.

He asked if anything hurts or got bigger and I said no but to be honest i think the bump has got bigger. Or has it. I dont know. I think that because its the only thing i can feel and keep check on without going out my way I am focusing on it.

Im not stupid, I know He had a gd look round and was very nice and reasurring. Anything sinister and he's the man to know. Even without information he would identify something cancerous because he has the knowledge and experience. So why cant I just accept it.

If i was honest id say the bump goes up n down all day. It didnt come up gradualy at all. It came up straight after I had eaten mc d's and im certain about that. When i ran my finger over it it felt like i was pushing liquid from one side to another like a blister. It sometimes gets irratated after spicy food and fizzy drinks seem to shrink it a little.

Someone slap me please. Im going on. Im talking myself out of it then back into it. Ive done so well as well. It doesnt rule me anymore but its just there in the back of my mind.

Sorry for ranting ive just been thinking about it for a few days and havnt said anything to anyone.


Gem x x x

18-11-11, 13:19
Someone slap me please.

I will give you a slap:lac:
If the specialist hasnt convinced you that its not sinister then nothing will.
So you can carry on worrying:weep: or you can trust in what he said:yesyes:
You know he is right.

18-11-11, 13:36
If it was going up your nasal area I am sure you would feel some pressure.
The only other way of checking would be a CT or MRI scan.....
I think you have googled too much though, you will always find an expection to the rule , that one horror story.
If it goes up and down then I am pretty sure that means no cancer :) Never heard of a cancer lump changing size unless it gets smaller with treatment :)

Sorry you are still finding it hard to get it out of your head, I am the same way with something I can feel :(

18-11-11, 16:14
Hello Madam!!!

So proud of you & pleased all went well.
But you need to listen to what he said. This was supposed to be closure for you, you had been waiting SO long for this appointment & it was meant to be reassurance for you. Remember how you felt months ago.....well this is a new start for you.

I believe in you Gem!!!

18-11-11, 19:34
If there is liquid in it, then it must be salivary. I have one under my tongue that comes and goes, it gets bigger and smaller. I actually was nervous about it until I read your post, so thanks! :) but every once in a while I (shouldn't do this) pop part of it and saliva comes out... cancer doesn't get bigger and smaller, that's what reassures me.

---------- Post added at 14:34 ---------- Previous post was at 14:33 ----------

Also I am sure he only asked if it hurt or grew because then he would remove it, but why remove it if it is not hurting you?

Gemma T
18-11-11, 20:11
Thank you everyone.

Your all right. I need to get a grip. I have come so far in this and need to get a grip.

I know what my problem is. I'm out of work and have way too much time on my hands. To make it worse I've studied to be a solicitor spent 20k and have deided its not 4 me. And now I'm at a lost to what I want to do with my life. I use my health anx as a distraction to what really matters.

I'm sure my oral worries would nvr have got as bad as it did if I was working.

I aint googled in months and don't check anymore. I'm almost there.

Thanks again 4 ur messages and support x x x

18-11-11, 20:14
Its the old curse of HA isnt it....We get the all clear and feel on top of the world then a short time later the old doubt creeps back in. I'm going through it now!

I'm sure everything is OK Gemma... x x

Gemma T
18-11-11, 20:18
Its the old curse of HA isnt it....We get the all clear and feel on top of the world then a short time later the old doubt creeps back in. I'm going through it now!

I'm sure everything is OK Gemma... x x

Aint that the truth x

19-11-11, 07:39
It started about 8 months ago. I have a little bump on the inside of my left cheek, and it is very much as you described. It became bigger when I ate certain spicy food and smaller after drinking something cool. I got it checked by an ENT while I was checking on my vocal cord nodules. He told me that I have nothing to worry about, but if I want to be very certain, then go for a CT scan. I decided to go for the CT scan, and it came back all clear.

Till today, I still have that bump, but it never bother me since. I still feel it and check it occasionally with my tongue. It still varies in sizes depending on what I eat, the weather, etc. But I feel it is smaller than 8 months before.

I'm sure your bump is fine. A cancerous bump doesn't become bigger and smaller, and would look very different; your specialist would have picked it up.


macc noodle
19-11-11, 07:48

As Taffy said - it is indeed the curse of HA!!!

Until you take steps to conquer the HA then you will continue this cycle of having symptoms and feeling unwell, which then takes you to the doc, which then means a referral if it is persists to the consultant, then tests and exams etc only to be told that you are fine and nothing wrong with you. You feel euphoric temporarily and then you start to question and then the wisdom and years of training done by the consultant and the tests he has performed count for nothing - he was wrong - you do have this terrible illness and how can you get help if people cannot see it??

The ONLY way to stop this is to go back to the docs and ask for help with the HA.

Please please believe me that it is absolutely the way to go.

Glad you are fine and healthy - which we all knew you would be :winks:

Macc Noodle

Gemma T
19-11-11, 11:19
Hi Itchy one. Yh I have the lump on both sides. Their blocked glands as well. Sometimes they play up but rarely painful. Suppose if their blocked it makes sense that some others are. The one on the roof of my mouth is permanently there. Sometimes it feels bigger sometimes it feels smaller. Much like the ones on our cheeks.

Hi Macc noodle. I am in cbt at the mo. Its gone really well and I've come so far. I aint seen my therapist for a few weeks though as he's been in hospital. I havnt seen him since I've seen the specialist. Shows I still need a little more help. Tbh my worry doesn't run my day at all. Although I had a bad day the other day. Their difficult but can be won. I'm due for a reassesment in cbt on thurs anyway.

Thanks for your help and advice every1. You've all been very helpful in reminding me about what the spcialist told me.

Love gem x x x

19-11-11, 15:54
Hey missus! You have had the all clear from a specialist! Read CBT for dummies it controls my way of thinking. and it helps and I agree go to the docs for help with the HA x