View Full Version : Mole with little black dots in it??

18-11-11, 13:17
I have a little mole inbetween my breasts and on closer inspection today I noticed there is little pin head sized black dots inside the mole. Now I'm pertrified it's skin cancer. Anyone else have this??

Lele x

18-11-11, 13:19
I have a little mole inbetween my breasts and on closer inspection today I noticed there is little pin head sized black dots inside the mole. Now I'm pertrified it's skin cancer. Anyone else have this??

Lele x

How big is the mole? Would you say it's smaller than the end of a pencil? Is it one shade of colour? Is it round?

18-11-11, 13:31
It's a circle with normal edges, the colour is light brown with tiny black dots inside.

Lele x

18-11-11, 13:38
Any change should be looked at by the doctor, just the general thing to do :)
I have a mole that sorta went hard, it sorta has a scab on it, it's darker too .
It's been there for months and months.. to be honest I forgot about it , going to show it to my doctor later today.
I'll let you know what he thinks x

18-11-11, 13:43
I had a mole with little black dots in on my leg. I was worried about it as well even though the Doc wasn't. After I nagged him he did refer me to the skin specialist who also wasn't concerned about it but because she could see it was worrying me I had it removed. And guess what?......It was completely fine! :doh:

18-11-11, 13:46
Thanks. Not sure if it is a change or if it's always looked like this. I feel sick I'm so worried now. Will have to wait till Tuesday to see my dr.

Lele x

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 13:44 ----------

Aw thanks taffy!! That's helped loads. :hugs:

Lele xx

18-11-11, 14:00
lele, most of mine have little back dots in them. Went to docs and she looked at all of them and said they're all fine.

18-11-11, 14:05
I have black moles, brown moles. multi colour moles, light moles with dark in the middle, big and small moles, irregular moles, moles that have a hair growing out out them, Ive even got one that grows a grey hair out of it, don't know why cos Ive got no grey hairs anywhere else. Mine are all normal for me.

18-11-11, 14:11
Taffy how did they remove it?

18-11-11, 14:29
Thanks guys really appriciate it. Xx

18-11-11, 14:30
I had exactly the same thing happen to me - a mole on my breast which started to turn black. I noticed to during breastfeeding although the mole had been there mosy of my life it only started to change black whilst BF.

I had it removed and tested and it was harmless. They said hormones can do this. HTH x

18-11-11, 14:40
I had it cut out...simple job, in and out in 15mins.

25-11-16, 12:04
Hi I have a raised dark brown mole the doctor said it was fine when checked this year I have just noticed that there are about 3 small black dots on the mole can anyone help???:weep: