View Full Version : No longer checking, no longer asking, no longer worrying

macc noodle
18-11-11, 16:09
Just wanted to let all you fellow HA sufferers on NMP that today has marked a very poignant point in my recovery!

My therapist agrees with me that I have made tremendous steps with the CBT I have been undertaking and it would appear that my HA is diminishing as each day goes by with the help of the strategies implemented during my therapy :yesyes:

How wonderful it is to wake up and NOT prod and poke myself to see what is wrong with me today :yesyes:

How amazing it is not to think I am dying :D

How fantastic to be able to suffer a panic attack and reduce the symptoms to zero using the things I have learned :D

How clear my head is now that every waking hour IS NOT spent worrying about being ill and dying :yahoo:

How brilliant it is to know that I can go and see my doc and my dentist without mega avoidance :yesyes:

And yes I know I still have a long road to travel in my recovery but it is beginning to feel really good ....................................

and I just want everyone suffering on here today to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that you can be taught to overcome your worries and anxieties if you can open your mind to it all - it is not easy and at times it is very uncomfortable (even more so than a panic or anxiety attack itself) but if you can stick at it, in the end you will be successful.

Thanks to everyone here who has supported me through my worst moments and through all my wobbles!!!

My next therapy appointment is a discharge appointment and I am so excited and pleased - the best Christmas present ever :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Macc Noodle


18-11-11, 16:13
Fantastic post and well done :D x x

18-11-11, 16:26
Thast's fantastic news!!!!
Whoop whoop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vanilla Sky
18-11-11, 16:28
Well done to you Macc xxxxx

18-11-11, 16:30
well done!

jess xxx

18-11-11, 16:40
Brilliant! So proud of u! Well done! :) xxxx

18-11-11, 17:02
A massive well done to you xxxx

18-11-11, 17:07
A huge well done Macc, you have stuck at it even when you really wanted to give up.

Bet you can't wait until your official discharge.

Lots of love


18-11-11, 18:14
Well done Macc thats excellent news!.....I hope I can write a similar post one day.

18-11-11, 18:40
Wonderful wonderful wonderful... I am proud of you too! Reading your post makes me stronger too :D Christmas will be wonderful wonderful wonderful for you :winks: x

18-11-11, 19:28
wow, great news! its such a battle, you should be so proud of yourself :)

18-11-11, 20:50
This is great news Macc. Well done for all the progress you have made. Now you can get on with really enjoying life :yesyes:

19-11-11, 09:19
Mega well done to you. CBT is a lot of hard work but so rewarding. Enjoy your freedom and keep it up xx

19-11-11, 10:11
Excellent news Macc :yesyes:

19-11-11, 17:02
So pleased for you as you have been such a big help to me x
Hope i can write this one day x

19-11-11, 17:15
Well done! :)

19-11-11, 22:35
Fantastic news! Well done you... you should be very proud. You helped me enormously with all my abdominal concerns and have posted and helped so many others.

Thank you for posting and sharing.
love Flump

20-11-11, 08:38
Very well done sending you hugs Macc:hugs::hugs:xx

20-11-11, 10:42
Well done x

20-11-11, 11:36
congratufreakinlations! that's such encouraging news. well done! x

20-11-11, 16:28
Sitting here, anxiety levels up again, read your post and WOW it really made me think - I don't have to feel like this!!! I've felt better before and I will feel better again. CONGRATULATIONS on your achievement and GOOD LUCK! x

macc noodle
20-11-11, 16:35
Thanks guys for the comments - I know that I have still got a path to travel on this journey !!!

But, I just wanted you all to know that it is possible to achieve via CBT a much happier and easier way of life <3

Love to you all


20-11-11, 16:38
Well done you! x