View Full Version : that awful feeling

18-11-11, 16:25
Just a wee quick ? sitting here calm then the thought pops into your head am i gonna croak it now its brought my anxiety on full force again grrr just wondeed does anyone else think this stupid ?


18-11-11, 16:44
yep, i have that.. sometimes when i try a new food i freak out that i'm going to have an allergic reaction and die. Once i got stung by a bee and had a panic when i thought i was going to go into anaphalatic shock!

jess xxx

18-11-11, 16:46
yeah jessica its the freakest thoughts we get then along comes mr anxiety to accompy ur thoughts grr

Craigie xxx

18-11-11, 19:10
its not stupid, just bloody annoying!!

I can be doing something and the thought will suddenly come that I'm going to drop dead and it spoils my whole day :mad:

18-11-11, 20:35
Hey Jessica, the first time I had a wasp sting I was at a work meal, in a pub garden, with all my 20 colleagues, and had a MAJOR panic attack infront of everyone - thinking I was about to die from anaphylaxis. Talk about a bad place and time ! LOL I even thought I was about to have an anaphylactic reaction the second time I was stung some years later - how stupid - I had no reaction the first time. LOL

Hey Craig, Interesting that the thought popped in to your head when you were doing something really mundane that let your mind have the chance to wander. Don't worry, just an anxiety trick...your brain had nothing to think about for a few minutes and decided to pop in a random scary thought. :lac: