View Full Version : Hi new member here

18-11-11, 16:30
My name is Amber and I suffer with schizophrenia. I have joined NMP to see if I can offer any advice and support to members who either suffer with this or want to ask any questions about it.

18-11-11, 16:32
Hi amberb

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-11-11, 23:48
Hi Amber.

A huge warm :welcome: to NMP

Lovely to have you here, we will help and support you as much as we can.

If you have any problems working your way around the forum then just send me a message and i'll help you out.

di xxxx

Vanilla Sky
20-11-11, 11:41
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Paige x

20-11-11, 16:43
Hi have been in a relationship with someone with schizophenia, it's really hard to understands actions and motives, Espically when you have helped them somuch and then they do or say something nasty. Can you tell me why this is please, I need to know for my own sanity. I think he maybe bipolar too, just it's quite similar.

25-11-11, 16:13
Thanks Nicola, Diane and Paige for the welcome.

Sorry for not replying sooner Lawrie but I haven't been on the internet since last week.

I would think that if your partner had Bipolar he would be suffering from extreme high's and low's.

Does he hear voices at all? If so he may be hearing your voice which is very hurtful and may explain why he can be nasty at times. This must be very distressing but if you keep reassuring him he will come round but he needs to be honest about it all.

Is he on any medication or receiving any professional support for his condition?

25-11-11, 22:45
Hi to be honest I'm not entirely convinced he's got it, I think he has bipolar and has also got some kind of personality disorder but I'm not sure, he's just pushed me away almost altogether. All I want to do is help him

27-11-11, 21:48
I also want to ask can his behaviour patterns improve like honesty and spending sprees with the medication as that's a huge problem, I don't know ho the medication works

27-11-11, 23:03

28-11-11, 01:25

02-12-11, 16:46
Lawrie - it would be worth getting a professional diagnosis so you know whether he has schizophrenia or bipolar.

Has he tried anything like CBT at all?

Medication could take the edge of the problems but won't completely sort it out.

Thanks to Littlebit and Life for the welcome as well