View Full Version : referal and anxiety

18-11-11, 16:41
hi everyone,

So for over 2 weeks now i have been feeling nauseous.. i was prescribed lansoprazole by the GP which did nothing. the last couple of days I've been feeling really rough with the nausea. So, this morning i want to the GP. He prodded my upper belly (which hurt - and I yelped).

He's now referred me for an endoscopy. I'm so scared. I've also just had a blood test done, he prescribed me anti-sickness meds and he wants to see me in 2 weeks. He seems like a nice Dr.

The thing is, I'm feeling very afraid and tearful. I'm at a really good point in my life: i'm 30 with a lovely boyfriend that i've just got engaged to; good job - that's gong great (as long as i don't let my anxiety show), friends and family that I love.

I just hate feeling like this.. is it real or anxiety?!!!!:weep:

i want to feel ok again.

Jess xxx

18-11-11, 18:24
It could be just anxiety or it could be something physical but you'll find out when you get your endoscopy. In a way while it is scary at least it'll mean that you have an answer to why you're getting nauseas and you can then act acccordingly.