View Full Version : Update from my last thread - Better explanation

18-11-11, 17:12
Right - first i wanna say thank you to everyone that has posted in my last post.


Please don't be put off by the advice my hypnotherapist has given me - She is a very experienced person, she deals with a lot of celebrities too in fact...

The reason why she SUGGESTED that i don't come on here as much is because sometimes when reading A LOT about other peoples problems it can infact cause your own to get worse

A close friend of mine has started picking up my symptoms and that is what she meant....

I never said im never coming back , i said im taking a short break just to see if it'll make a difference not worrying about other people.

Results -

Yes it has made a bit of a difference because its nice to hear my own thoughts as opposed to other peoples... BUT i do find comfort coming on here and when I am bored i like to read through all the success stories on here =)

So yeah , this is just an update because I felt like people were misunderstanding what I had said ...

We are all different but at the same time so similar - sometimes its nice to talk to people going through a similar thing as yourself but sometimes its good to take a break from that =)

Hope you are all well, and I give every single one of you a HUGE hug because mental health issues suck and hugs rock!

Take care



18-11-11, 18:12
Can you post this on that thread as people won't know which thread you are referring to.


18-11-11, 22:43