View Full Version : Borderline Agrophobic as well as anxiety?

18-11-11, 17:33
Im noticing when I think about going out that I feel a bit off colour, thoughts about will I be OK etc etc sometimes I have to force myself out the door! I have been known to not go out because "Im too tired"...

18-11-11, 18:00
I have and the same thing, and this was actually brought up in my triage assessment at the mental health clinic.

Weird, I actually like the outdoors, but with the levels of anxiety I can feel its a struggle to get under those big broad skies as well, even when not doing anything 'threatening'.

It all comes from the anxiety I think, the fight or flight response prompts us to seek safety/shelter, so where better than our own homes?

Talk with your GP or therapist about these thoughts, they should be able to help.

18-11-11, 18:31
thank you Andy...

it seems like there is a "vulnerable" feeling being outside.

18-11-11, 22:35
Same for me Butterfly....the very thought makes me feel really ill sometimes and i'm in & out of the loo, thinking I'm going to be sick. I also use the 'I'm so tired' line it's far easier to say that than explain what I actually feel. There is a vulnerability about being out of your comfort zone..Andy B is right that it comes from the anxiety.
It's like 'what came first..the anxiety or the agorophobia?' For me the fear and anxiety I have has def caused some agorophobic traits. Talk to your GP or you may find it gets worse. I really sympathise with you. Good luck :hugs:

18-11-11, 22:38
I get the same sometimes

18-11-11, 23:03
Sometimes I'm the same, just want home!
But it's worse if I know I have to go somewhere away from home! Last Xmas we got 3 hours in the car on the way to Ireland to the in laws and I freaked out and we had to turn back - I was not the best liked person in my house last year!

19-11-11, 08:07
I sympathise with all of you, in some ways its nice to know your not alone..