View Full Version : Reiki? Has anyone tried this?

18-11-11, 21:32
Hello, I was just curious to see if anyone had tried reiki treatment for panick attacks and anxiety issue. A friend of mine who is just recently qualified as a reiki healer as offered to give me a few sessions. Im looking forward to this and hopefully they me be an inprovment in my symptoms. I was just wondering if anyone out there had this done and how effective it was, Im not expecting miracles, but I am welcoming it with an open mind!! x

18-11-11, 22:28
Not tried it but know a few people who have and they have said only positive things such as feeling calmer, more centred and deeply relaxed.

I would try it if I could afford it, go for it!!

18-11-11, 22:32
Thankyou for youre reply chrystal 17,Yh Im looking forward to it,I dont think I could feel any worse!! xx

18-11-11, 22:41
Hope you find it helpful and how lovely that your friend will do it for free :)

Post some feedback after you've tried it if you like! x

18-11-11, 22:44
I know she's a good friend! She's coming to my house this monday, So I will post on here and let you know how it went ! x

18-11-11, 22:58
I thought I would like it - my friend got a session for me 2 weeks ago - I felt uncomfortable the whole time - was worrying about panicking and had to get her to stop! Felt anxious the whole time.
I then went on to spend a week in a state and got put back on citalopram, and the doc gave me diazepam then eventually temazapam to sleep. I have not been right since - but in fairness I have just been through the most traumatic experience ( my little girl was stillborn 8 weeks ago) so I'm not sure if it was just everything hitting home and it was just a coincidence that the reiki was at the same time!

Anyways - hope it works better for you!

18-11-11, 23:00
Anything that assists relaxation will help with Anxiety .Reiki helped a friend of mine stop having P/A in shops ..Good luck hope you enjoy it .luv Sue x

18-11-11, 23:09
Hi AJS, Im sorry you had an unpleasant experience with the reiki, Im sure it does nt suit everyone,im a little anxious about it to be honest, thinking that I may just lay there thinking this is a load of rubbish, especially as its my friend doing it, I dont want to hurt her feelings. My heart goes out to you, how awfull to go through losing a child, I cant even begin to image youre pain and suffering,I hope you have lots of help and support at this traumatic time !! It puts everything into perspective about how we think we are suffering having to cope with panick and anxiety when there are people like you experiencing real life traumatic events such as losing a precious child, once again my heart, thoughts and good wishes go out to you !! xx