View Full Version : Protein trace in urine?

19-11-11, 08:50

I had a routine medical which is compulsory to register at my new Doctors practise yesterday, all was well except from protein showing up in my urine. Suffering from health anxiety doesn't help and so now I am worrying about it. I am under alot of stress having split from my husband on 30 August, moving from Leicestershire to West Yorkshire which I had to do as I was living in an army house and as I was no longer with my husband I wasn't entitled to stay. So now I am a single Mum of a 6 and 11 year old boys and trying to survive on benefits. I was also wondering how you deal with stress, I feel quite hopeless at the moment, even though it was me that instigated the split after years of verbal, mental and emotional abuse. I thought that I would be so relieved to leave and part of me obviously is relieved but it is so hard. I am terrified of my health and hear so much about how stress can bring on illnesses, sometimes serious ones and I would love to know strategies or even medication that would help me get through this time. With the protein in my urine has worried me now and as always think of the worst case scenario and not the minor.

Many thanks for reading xx

19-11-11, 19:18
There are loads of innocent reasons for protein in your urine so its not something to get in a panic over. Sometimes a mild urine infection will cause it. What have the Drs said??? If you had infection then they would have seen other markers for it like white blood cells etc on the dip test.

Without knowing what the Drs have said about it its hard to know what to say as don't know the levels of protein?? do they want to do a repeat test in a week ? Having a trace is very vey common and usually means nothing.

I have large filters on my kidneys that leak blood and things all the time but have been thoroughly checked out quite a few times and my kidneys are working perfectly.

Make sure you are drinking lots to stay hydrated and keep off the alcohol if you do drink as this will not help your kidneys.

Sorry to hear of you situation and as you say its all very new so will be very stressful - try and be kind to yourself.

20-11-11, 18:08
Thanks Countrygirl,

It was the Nurse that I saw and it was a routine dip test that she carried out as part of my medical to register a my new Doctors. I'm certain she said there was a trace of protein, she said because it was there she had to send it away to be tested as a matter of course and if there is anything untoward then the practise will contact me. I just get paranoid and of course being a sufferer of health anxiety it doesn't help.

Things like this push me over the edge and I think irrationally. Thanks for taking the time to reply, I just need to have my mind put at rest. xx

20-11-11, 19:07
The nurse would be sending it away just to check for infection thats all. Its so common and does not need to mean anything at all or if it does its caused by urine infection which again are so common in women.

20-11-11, 22:44
Hi Hazy, youre story is like a mirror image of my own situation. I went to my docs a couple of months ago because I was experiencing lower back ache anyway the nurse did a dip test and said I too had traces of protein and blood !! Omg I nearly fell of the chair especially about the "blood" part the wave of panick swept over me, I was shooting questions and the nurse, poor women she could nt get a word in. Anyway after about 10 mins of trying to calm me down(she knew that I suffer from health anxiety) she told me that it was really common, in women my age (im only 41!) and very common, it was nothing to worry about and that she gave me 3days worth of antibiotics and that the urine would also have to be sent off to the lab, just to confirm her diagnosis(again nothing to worry about standard procedure). Anyway after I had finished the course I had to go back to the docs for a repeat of the test(by this time the pain had gone and I was feeling much better) This time the test came back ok, and the hospital test had come back ok. Im sorry to hear of youre family situation too. I am also in the process of having to decide if to leave my partner of 15 years (he drinks to much but he does nt think he has a problem) we have a son of 10 years old. The stress of living with him at the moment has made me ill again, all the symtoms have returned, dizzyness, headaches shivers etc, but then I dont know if Im strong enough to actually call it a day, its like a vicious circle, ill make myself ill if i stay with him, and ill be ill if I leave him, I know I will(its his house, and I would have no where to go!! I take my hat off to you that you found the strengh to do it !! Im so unhappy and feel like evrythings against me I would nt know where to start!! lolx sorry Ive rammbled on about my problems, I hope its put youre mind at rest about the protein though , it is "Extremely common" xxxx

22-11-11, 10:19
That does make me feel better, thank you, I have been drinking plenty of water instead of my usual 50 cups of tea day lol.

With regards to your relationship, I know this may not be the write place to comment on it but I am anyway as its related to panic and anxiety. I was with my ex from the age of 15 and he was my first love. We split up for 5 years then got back together and obviously married. He is a vile man and treated me with contempt most of the time, he was controlling, abusive, unloving, uncaring, unsympathetic and he to drank every night. On our wedding day the first thing he said to me when I reached him at the altar was what have you done to your hair, I should have run then but at 24 years old I had convinced myself I was on the shelf which thinking back now was madness.

We were married for 17 years and we finally went our separate ways on 30th August and I have been living in my house for 3 weeks now as the last house was an army house as he is a serving soldier. The advice I can give you if you don't mind is, if you are sure that to separate is what you definately want then don't wait for the perfect moment to do, it won't come as that was what I did. For me it all came to a head when I said I was going to go and put the car through the car wash, we were living in Germany at the time and it is against the law to wash your car on the street. So when I said this is started ranting about wasting f'ing money blah blah and I just flipped and it was the perfect unplanned moment as he was sober the kids were out playing, so I just said that that was it its over, thankfully he accepted it.

It has been hard but state benefits are good if you are careful and including the maintenance he gives I can survive. If you need details pm me. Hunni, face facts, if you are not happy and want out more than anything you have to just do it, don't hold back. Research all the benefits and housing options, its not all doom and gloom. I have two boys aged 6 and 11 and they don't even mention their Dad and I often ask them if they want to ring him etc but they refuse, they are not interested, but there again when my ex said to my older boy "I f'ing hate yu kid" its hardly sirprising, I do not regret anything and whilst it is early days still I have been liberated.

Be strong you will get there xxxx

22-11-11, 22:50
Thankyou for youre reply hazy. It was really brave of you to open youre self to me and tell me your story about what must have been a difficult time, but one that you and youre children could rebuild from and have a better life. At this moment in time I dont know if I have the strength both physically and mentally to face this right now, I know deep down it is probably gonna be unavoidable, but I need to know Ive done absolutely everything possible to be able to look my son in the eye and say "I gave 100 % but unfortunately his dad did nt "! I have been through a breakup before with an ex partner of 8 years but the big difference was I only had myself to think about then !! It is sooo much harder when there is an innocent child in the middle of it all (like Im sure you know). My mind is saying to me please no more stress or drama I literally feel mentally drained already !!Life thows things at us that we dont want to face but sometimes things that can be saved and sometimes made better, I dont know? I feel like Im treading water !! Youre knid words of strength and positivity have made me realise, that yes maybe people such has us can get through difficult times, and yeah our bodies made get angry with us and hand out all these horrible physical symptoms, but hey we can deal with them. Lets hope there's a brighter future for both of us from which every path we may find ourselfs upon !!! Take care !! lolxxxxx

23-11-11, 20:40
Doctor found protein in my urine too which set me off worrying. I asked her what does it mean, and she said 'probably an infection' but she had the urine sent off to the lab and it came back fine and not infected, so I am at a blank and a bit concerned. x

23-11-11, 21:44
Atrace of protein in urine can sometimes be the start of a water infection but in women it can also be from normal vaginal discharge. A trace of protein is nothing to worry about. If you dont have any symptoms of a UTI like pain or burning on urination then its probably nothing. I only know this because Ive seen a few urologists over the years for my UTI s and I was told this x

25-11-11, 16:24
Thank you for putting my mind at ease, the other night I felt sick went to the loo and was violently sick and the other in the morning, felt like hell and then the next day I had a temperature. Went back to the Doctors who put me on a course of anti-biotics and feel myself again now, although I think the sickness could have been something I had eaten given that it was quick and violent and thankfully didn't last. But thanks for your comments, so lets see what my next imadginary ailment will be :roflmao: xx

04-06-14, 13:46
I had a visit to my GP yesterday to get my blood form for my yearly cardiac screen as I have raised cholesterol and lipids - and am on medication.
I mentioned I had symptoms of getting up in the night the last couple of weeks to pass urine, and then when getting back to bed having to go back to go the toilet as I felt my bladder was not empty. I was then able to pass urine. I also told him I had some difficulty in starting and felt irritation as well.
He decided to check my PSA for my prostate and also to have a MSU sent to the laboratory as well. I did my MSU and took this with me to the medical centre this morning. I saw the nurse who took my blood and before she bagged my MSU she dip sticked it and told me I had a trace of protein in my urine. Having had health anxiety for many years my mind went into overdrive and I started to panic thinking I must have kidney damage, diabetes, infection or hypertension. I do not go back to see the doctor for the results until next Tuesday and as it is only Wednesday now I am already a nervous wreck with worry. Being a now retired State Registered Nurse makes things much worse for me. As I don't have to search the internet for possible causes. I really am not sure how I am going to get through the rest of the week and weekend its going to be very stressful for me indeed!