View Full Version : anyone else get weird head sensations?

19-11-11, 10:29
well hi my name is kevin and i get very strange feeling in my head and on my body, like a numbness and i get really dizzy also out of the blue and it feels like the floor is moving and stuff... like today i was getting my haircut at the barbers and my head felt suddenly very light and i felt like i was going to pass out :( so just making this post to ask if anyone else gets these weird head sensations and what helps them could maybe help me too x.

-kevin :unsure::blush:

19-11-11, 10:48
hi we all get these as sufferers mate the physical symptoms of anxiety is the worst experience in our bodies i guess it comes to the fight or flight mode that our bodys are .getting ready for the fight against the illness that we feel then we get a adrenline rush which causes the quick blood flow and then comes mr dizziness acompied by the sudden blood flow its not a nice thing but they do subside but u feel left scarred after every attack mate as people say try breathin techniques this doesnt work personally for me and tell ure brain to stop the danger is over doesnt work either for me remian calm is another why can we calm our minds down is the millon dollar ? when were in full panic if you like but just to let you know theres many more of us out there experience this mate its physically exsausting to our body as we let this horrible disease escape. its not mental its not dangerous its a behavoural problem that we put fear on fear mate and one day we will find the way we can reprograme our brains to fight of mr anxiety and rid it for good .