View Full Version : Am I nuts? So scared :(

19-11-11, 13:55
For the past few days I keep fearing that I have schizophrenia. I feel like I'm losing touch of reality and I'm scared i'm just going to hallucinate and lose control.

It's like my mind tries to convince me, that im going to start seeing things that aren't there, that i'm going to misinterpret things and lose touch on what is real. I will look at a pattern and freak out that i will see that and start believing i can see messages like schizophenia. In my minds eye I also keep imagining that im hallucinating when i watch tv and it'll be like i'm trying to see an image that isn't there on the tv. It's freaking me out and it's really hard to explain.

I know they say that if you are worried you are going schizophrenic then you aren't but what if I'm not aware of it and it'll justhappen without my control?

I'm so scared :(

19-11-11, 14:31
You're certainly not nuts. Worrying about developing a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia is pretty common with anxiety, I know I've gone through many phases of believing there is something more seriously wrong with me, both mentally and physically. 'What if's are also very common. There are millions of 'what if's us anxiety sufferers torture ourselves with daily.

I don't know what to say to help you stop worrying about this, but just try to trust that you are okay and this is just your anxious mind talking.

Take care x