View Full Version : Acid Reflux?

19-11-11, 19:14
Hi all
So After a couple of weeks of full on panic attacks and axniety I kind of know whats causing it.

I get a full on panic attack when I get a "wave" of sickness, I am not eating alot because I am always feeling sick (but I havent been sick) My belly hurts, I have pain in chest and the main symptom? acid in the throat. This morning was the worst 'acid in throat' experience ive had, I had a look in the mirror and my throat has red spots. Which I know acid can do when irritated.

So I am going to the docs on monday to get something for this acid reflux.

But of course I was silly and goggled, and saw that someone once had to have there throat stretched because it closed due to the acid in throat?
someone wrote this on twitter.. and now when ever i eat Im thinking my throats closing. Que panic attack mode :( even now i feel like im breathless.

My questiion is have you ever had acid reflux? how long did you have it for? what did you take to get rid of it?

I am also cutting out fizzy pop. Which is sad for me because I love it. I dont drink alcohol so for me a can of Dr pepper is my weekend treat.

Why am I thinking its so dangerous? actually in a mess right now. Thinking the worst.

---------- Post added at 19:14 ---------- Previous post was at 15:41 ----------

Is there anyone who can reassure me? or who have also had this? :(

19-11-11, 19:18
You're thinking it so dangerous because the symptoms of acid reflux, like the breathlessness, tight throat, and feeling of being sick all the time are frightening to us! Although I have been where you are and also told by my doctor it's "just" reflux, I really never believed him because I thought acid reflux was just mainly a feeling of heartburn with some burping. Boy was I wrong! Have reflux and panic attacks is actually more common then I thought, did a quick google search one day and was amazed to read how many people suffer like us. Please know that although it feels like your throat may close, it won't! It's just an unpleasant sensation... Also try to not let one story on twitter scare you. For that one story, there are thousand upon thousand of people who suffer from bad acid reflux without such serious issues.

Let us know what the doctor says and how you do on the medication he gives you. I'm also thinking about making an appointment soon to get some meds for my reflux also. :)

19-11-11, 20:07
Thanks hun your right im just being silly, then again its the health anxiety taken over! GRR! I will let you know hun if you check back here I will be sure to update you :) They may just give us gaviscon? :)