View Full Version : On the verge of breaking down :(

19-11-11, 16:31
Hi everyone,

Firstly i'd like to give you all a little information on myself. I'm 21, A Male and work full time in a warehouse. On a average i work 40-50 hours a week.

Which brings me to this.

For the past 3 weeks I've been in my own little worry bubble. With the hours i work I spend alot of time worrying to myself.

Lately I've been experiencing a pain in the right of my abdomen. Its not a painful pain, its more of a dull ache. This also follows with an excess of gas from the lower part (Trumping) for the past 2 week's I've been releasing awful smelling gasses. Its been driving my crazy i've done none stop worrying about Cancer, its my biggest fear. I've been on google and diagnosed myself with a hundred different things. I've also been getting a fever throughout the day and the feeling of nausea. I dont vomit and my stools are normal and there is no sign of any blood.

I do actually feel like im breaking down.

Can someone please please shed some light on me, thank you.

19-11-11, 16:47

have you been to your GP? about it if not i would go to rule out anything harmfull but if your getting these thoughts its possible you could be suffering from panic disorder or some other inbalance in your mind but i would definately rule out anything serious if you just get these feelings its possible you may have anxiety which gives us all reality of physical like symptoms .

19-11-11, 16:56
I have been yet, as i thought it wasn't anything serious. But im scared to go to find out it is something like cancer :(

19-11-11, 17:58
we all worry mate but i would go get anything serious ruled out then if all tests come bac a ok then you just put it down to good old anxiety

19-11-11, 18:55
Cyberchondria, see there is health anxiety aka hypochondria which becomes cyberchondria when you also use the internet to look up symptoms and to self diagnose .

Basically using google is bad as pretty much every single symptom will be a symptom of an illness :( so it fuels the anxiety even more.

19-11-11, 19:02
I don't even know if i have anxiety mishel.

All i know is i worry all the time about my health. I've even convinced myself im dying and what i'd say to my girlfriend and family. I worry non stop.

Thank you for that meshel

19-11-11, 20:04
I doubt very much that you're dying mate. Do you spend lots of your day working alone? if so that's enough to do anyone's had in, if you were mixing with other people and had lots of distraction you may not worry as much.

19-11-11, 20:29
Hi there do you do any heavy lifting in your warehouse you might have a hernia developing, ive had 2 and you can get fever and sicky feelings, get it checked its the best thing to do.

19-11-11, 20:42
I had a dull ache in my right side abdomen last year for about 5 months. Of course I thought the worst even though I had clear blood and stool samples and an normal ultrasound. It took an endoscopy and colonoscopy which were both clear to convince me there was nothing sinister going on, after which the pain disappered. I still don't know what it was but can only assume it was anxiety / muscular.