View Full Version : Hi new here!!

19-11-11, 17:43
hey! i dont really know what to say,im no good at these things. It took alot for me to come on here for help. I have suffered from anxiety a long time now, but lately i dont know what happened ive gone from happy to crying everyday and come over all panicky and sick. im scared to feel like this. I went to doctor who referred me to 'no more panic' and gave me number for counselling. I know some of the problems but dont want to air them here where everyone can see, right now. :weep: dont know what to do to relax and feel like me again,how do i stop crying?? also not eating well ive dropped in weight cos of it all and hardly sleeping. hard to explain it all. i dont want to go work but work takes my mind off things i cant win.

19-11-11, 17:45
Hi justme26

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-11-11, 18:36
I have joined today too. I have had anxiety before and its a long story but it has come back with avengence just recently and I've been really struggling with it. I work, drive, have a family,function to the naked eye but underneath sometimes I feel so very exhausted with the constant state of panic. It doesn't seem to be easily controlled. I jump at the slightest thing, my hearing seems extra sensitive, just the slightest thought sometimes triggers increased panic on top of a constant panic. I am a chronic insomniac and can be awake feeling like I'm wired to the electricity grid all night and then have to get through a day at work. I cannot take time off work. I've been there before and I know if I give into it I would just end up being a recluse and I don't want that to happen because it would worry the people I care about. I have had endless trips to the docs but at best he seems disinterested and at worst he seems bored with me. I have turned to a herbalist as an alternative and am having some success and some mild relief on and off. The chap that runs the shop spends time talking to me, seems to understand and has a vast knowledge of what might help. He gives me names of things to try but does not encourage me to try anything until I look them up an the internet and decide for myself. A couple of things seems to be helping but I probably need more time before I decide if its worth talking about and from what I read it seems that supplements are good for some and not for others as everyone is different. Anyway thats me.

19-11-11, 18:46
Good to hear from u josiejo. I too am exhausted from it all. Deep down i know i can overcome this with help from people and my family but i feel so alone even though i know im clearly not. I'm trying to think positive and happy thoughts but my mind keeps racing bk to other things on my mind right now and then i cry again. So far i've cried far too much than what i thinks normal(since last sunday) and little things trigger me off too. Its gd to know theres somewhere we can come to talk about things and relate but at the moment its not making me feel better. Feel so lost

19-11-11, 20:08
Years ago when I had it before I overcame it and as I recovered I moved on and left it behind but I always have a great deal of sympathy with anyone truly suffering because if you've had it you can comprehend how bad it gets and how it completely swallows you up. No one, not even a therapist or counsellor can really know how it feels unless they've been there and no one will ever convince me any different. Experience of it brings knowledge and to a certain degree you can read the triggers and that certainly helps but this time its got me in its grips once again. I feel more empowered this time because for one I recognised what it was straight away. The last time it took about 3 years to be convinced of it because I had so many physical symptoms, I had every test going, from brain scans, chest scans, breast scans, I took antacids for reflux, travel sickness pills for dizziness, I stopped eating because I lost my sense of taste, rocked between diorrhea and constipation, had a tingling scalp, a numb face and tongue, I couldn't breathe or swallow properly.. oh the list was endless. Every test came back clear so I ended up on antidepressants. I have tried citalopram this time as my old antidepressants are no longer available but they made me feel much worse and I felt manic and more anxious than ever. I tried for 4 weeks to see if it would calm down but I felt awful on them, I still could not sleep and so eventually gave up. The doc seems reluctant for me to try anything else. I have sleeping tablets because I said if I did not get some sleep I would end up having to leave my job and thats something I didn't want to happen. I work in accounts and its hard to work with figures if your dead on your feet and your concentration is zilch but sleeping tablets don't make you feel like you've had a good sleep, just a drugged sleep. At present I have about 5 days that are bad and two days that are tolerable but uncomfortable because I'm anticipating it all the time. Its not a life its a struggle and it shouldn't be like that. I look at other people and feel jealous because I want to be them and not me because I hate feeling like this. I'm going down the herbal route just now and if I think anything is worth telling you about I will. At the moment I'm not sure if something is making me feel better or if its just a fluke of having a good day. It all seems very hit and miss at the moment. Keep trying to get through it and do some research. Type in supplements that help with anxiety or depression and see where it leads you. I feel like because I'm trying something I am still working at trying to beat it rather than just accepting it but don't come off what you're taking if its working or before talking to your doctor. Antidepressants worked for me last time but it took a good 4 months before I felt the slightest improvements and then about 3 months more to get back to some normality.

19-11-11, 23:14
i totally understand what ur saying bout counselling,but i may give it ago cos i also have a fear of heights i mean extreme and they did help me as i got better with that after a few sessions. im not sure how they will make me feel better how i feel now but hey i may give it a go so my work know im trying my hardest and with me too i cant afford to be off work and to lose my job. i work in a shop and have to be on form serving customers cant cry every second. i too cant afford to take time off or afford to lose my job. i also get dizziness on a daily basis and am currently seeing a consultant who prescribed me something (cant remember name of) but when i went docs fri i said i think they making me worse so advised me off them and strangely feel abit better off them now. i am still feeling dizzy but could be down to fact im not myself and not eating properly,have to force myself to eat as i know if i dont i can make myself worse and get ill. i didnt want to go on antidepressents and lucky the doc didnt want to put me on them,i take propanolol (think spelt that right) for headaches and anxiety been on them about a year now,i find they do work. it be gd if u do find something and i would love to know so i can try too. i hate feeling like this too i think we all do,but try stay positive ( i know thats easier said thaan done thou,cos im trying too). better to try things than to not try at all. see ive accepted i feel this way but i wont give up trying to get better. i know this sounds silly but i keep listening to a song i like and relate too all bout being who u r. u might know it ,its jessie j-who u r. makes me cry abit but helps me see. i want to like most people come out of this fighting and to be honest never wanna feel like this again as we all know is awful and scary.

20-11-11, 09:22
Dizziness is not a big factor this time for me but last time it was what disabled me. It got so bad that I didn't feel safe to drive. I had tests for menieres disease, something to do with the inner ear but they didn't find anything. They recommended pills for motion sickness but i didnt feel they helped but you could try them and see if its any better. I did end up taking time off work but I wouldn't recommmend it because I then felt bad for letting people down and mad with myself for giving in but once I did it spiralled out of control and I was off 3 months and then went back part time for another 3 months. Personally looking back I think the dizziness has something to do with breathing right. I always felt like my chest was too tight to breathe, like I couldn't take a full breathe which added to the panic and the dizziness. I have the tight chest and panic feeling all the time lately but have been trying out passion flower supplement which seems to help a bit and has no side effects. I haven't slept for two nights which is awful I thought it was getting better but I'm back to square one with that. If anyone knows of a good supplement to help me sleep I would be grateful, tried 5htp and valerian with mixed effects. Sleeping tablets sometimes work but they make me feel drugged all day which is not good. I think supplements are very personal and might help me but not another sufferer but read up on passion flower and see what you think.

20-11-11, 15:49
i was on tablets for menieres disease,they are the tablets the doc told me to come off on fri as were making me worse or no better. i will have to see what the consultant says at my next appointment next month. i will take ur advice and try motion sickness tablets and also passion flower i will look up about, thanku. im sorry to hear u havent slept and i dont know whats best for that,if i find out anything for it i will let u know or ask about on this site im sure someone may have some ideas for u.

22-11-11, 21:29
Thanks for that. If anyone has sleeping problems and has found something natural that works then please let me know. Trying the cherry juice insomnia experiment that was on the Food Hospital programme but its not really working. Been advised to try eating an oatcake before bed as it may be something as simple as low blood sugar or my body feeling hungry thats stopping me from sleeping. Sounds unlikely but will try it out, could it be that simple. I will let you know. Hope you are feeling ok today

22-11-11, 21:55
hope u find something to help u sleep soon. im feeling ok today. hope ur ok too! try stay positive!