View Full Version : help on panics

30-05-06, 02:04
hi, my boyfriend suffers with panic attcks more or less everyday.. I am the only person who he knows that will listen to him and try and make things ok, as I have never suffered from a panic attack myself I obviously cannot understand the suffering that he is going through to the full extent. Is there anything to do whilst he is having an attack that can help?

also, what is the best way to reduce the amount of panics or get rid of them completely? I've heard Floxatine has been successful for some people..But I guess it alters between the individual. x

30-05-06, 09:59
It's great that you are so obviously supporting your boyfriend!
I think everyone's experience of panic is very individual. For me it's a build up of stress that has nowhere to go and therefore shows itself in both everyday and stressful situations. I am looking at my diet(missing vitamins can contribute) and starting exercise to try to work off the adrenoline caused by stress.

I have taken Fluoxetine(prozac) in the past for depression and although I do think it helped it might be possible to ease the attacks more naturally with diet, exercise, relaxation techniques and counselling if needed.

All of these things could be discussed with the GP.

I hope I have been of some use. Good luck.

30-05-06, 16:56
Thank you, your advice is much appreciated.. We're going to start running in the evenings as a way of getting rid of the adrenelin and to focus on something positive,
thanks again, amy xx