View Full Version : feeling funny

19-11-11, 18:06
is it natural when you are at the peak of an attack to feel as if your head is all going weird and you feel like ure going to pass out ? if so that would prob calm me down if anyone else feels this way .and plus my body is roasting and skin is warm to touch any help thanks before i go and make a fool of myself on a phone .

19-11-11, 18:44
Hey Craigie,

It really is completely normal to feel like this. I often get a head-swimming feeling or just something I can't describe really - just a sensation that makes me think I'm going to collapse or pass out or something crazy will happen to my body! I get it centred in my chest too. Just try and think back to all the times you have felt like that... And it has never made you actually pass out has it! So it's harmless.

Also I haven't come across anyone with anxiety/panic that likes being hot - it seems to bring on anxious feelings. When I have panicky feelings come on I often get hot. Stick your head out the window in the nice cold air that makes me feel better?!

19-11-11, 18:56
thanks for replying blond its just more away of understanding i guess we get diff types of symptoms or ones that feel different all the time but its subsided but still feel yucky after it but cheers again blond .

20-11-11, 11:12
I feel exactely the same :), sometime it lasts minutes, this morning I woke up with it and I know I will be battleing all day to control the rising panic, but thats all it is JUST panic:winks: