View Full Version : feel awful.

19-11-11, 19:22
I feel awful and have for a few weeks since my period was late and i convinced myself i had ovarian cancer. I am waiting for a scan and all my bloods done on monday but they are only doing it to reassure me. I am getting worse i am constantly shattered, crying, nausea, no appetite, loose bowels, no motivation,feel like i cant get a full breath, irritable and i literally feel like i cant do anything because i feel so tired and ill. I started citalapram on sunday. I am not convinced this is just anxiety.:weep:

19-11-11, 19:29
hey, did u feel this bad b4 u started the cit?? xx

19-11-11, 19:33
hi zippy we all feel like its not anxieety and we feel like were all alone and no one understands why but going with all your symptoms i would say its anxiety related but as people say its all in our minds it maybe is it maybe isnt as we cant describe our feelings well we can but gps and such just always put it down to anxiety but hope you feel well soon x.

---------- Post added at 19:33 ---------- Previous post was at 19:31 ----------

and the cit causes alot of side affects i had to come of mine they were making my anxiety 10 times worse so maybe its just them kicking into your system

19-11-11, 19:35
No, well i was bad but not this shattered and feeling like i cant breath and generally just feel crap. My friend has just been and i felt like i couldnt be bothered talking and i just sat miserable.

19-11-11, 19:38
Thats typical side effects hun, think if any of my friends came round now id run and hide as really can't be bothered to talk to anyone :mad: xx

19-11-11, 19:41
It sounds like your anxiety is starting to make you feel depressed Zippy, which isn't surprising after so many weeks of such intense fear. It could also be that you are getting some side effects from the cit., for example feeling very tired. You have nearly been taking the tabs for a week now, have your physical 'symptoms' changed at all in the last week or so ?

19-11-11, 19:47
I know i am always really glad to see my best friend and we have a good laugh, i dont feel like me anymore. I was only out last saturday having a drink and i enjoyed it and then got up the next morning with the same old thinking i am dying.I hope something goes away soon before i crack up or pop my clogs x

---------- Post added at 19:47 ---------- Previous post was at 19:44 ----------

My physical symptoms have changed as in i am not getting the butterflies in my stomach all the time and the knot in my stomach. But it hasnt stopped me thinking i have something serious wrong at all because i feel worse with other symptoms i.e tiredness, headaches and just cant be bothered with anyone or anything x

19-11-11, 19:52
any chance ur doc would give u some diazepam to help u with the side effects of the cit and until they kick in?? xx

19-11-11, 20:22
I feel awful and have for a few weeks since my period was late and i convinced myself i had ovarian cancer. I am waiting for a scan and all my bloods done on monday but they are only doing it to reassure me. I am getting worse i am constantly shattered, crying, nausea, no appetite, loose bowels, no motivation,feel like i cant get a full breath, irritable and i literally feel like i cant do anything because i feel so tired and ill. I started citalapram on sunday. I am not convinced this is just anxiety.:weep:

All sounds like perimenapause plus anxiety to me, you are about the right age.

19-11-11, 20:29
Baileys i have just had my bloods done for menapause and they were ok, but dont know if that would show if you were perimanapause though. I am 42 and my period did come but it was very very light.

19-11-11, 20:52
Baileys i have just had my bloods done for menapause and they were ok, but dont know if that would show if you were perimanapause though. I am 42 and my period did come but it was very very light.
Ive had anxiety for years but lately my symptoms are so much worse. Ive had bowel issues, i ache and hurt all over, chronic pelvic pain and periods coming and going when they want.
I went to the docs and he did a blood test to check my hormone levels and all he said was that they were normal.
I was convinced that i was menopausal though. After looking on the net i realised that because our hormones fluctuate at our age one blood test cant determine if we are menopausal or not.
I then ended up in hospital because i had such a heavy period, i spent all night on the toilet, they kept me in to control the bleeding. The gynecologist i saw in hospital only gave me an internal and he was happy that everything was fine and that i didn't need a scan. Nothing felt enlarged or strange to him.
He said that all my symptoms are due to the menopause, he said that my doc should have done several blood tests throughout the month not just one test.
There is a great website called powersurge, all the symptoms that you describe at your age people are getting on there.
But DONT click on the cancers thread, i haven't because i trust what the gynecologist says and as you know symptoms can sometimes be similar.

19-11-11, 21:02
How old are you baileys if you dont mind me asking?
I have had an internal off my doctor and she said everything feels fine. The doc says i am anxious but i feel so ill and just started citalrapom on sunday.

19-11-11, 21:10
Im 50, bloody hell i hate saying that. Although ive had most of my peri symptoms for years but ive just ignored them. It was the heavy bleeding and chronic ovarian pain that got me to the docs. Remember everybodys change starts at different times and your age is about normal, i think i was a bit late.