View Full Version : doin well " not "

19-11-11, 22:49
as many of you aware of my terrible health anxiety well ere i am again :mad: went from worryin bout my colon to wednesday the 16th nov was ridin to work and some plonker put shoppin trolley across the pain i the dark and i rode st8 into it on my bike i went st8 into it left leg trap between bike and trolley and handle bar hit right side of chest :( dam well kills :( went home was awake all thursdAY MORNING and went to docs friday morning saw doc was very throughter checked oxegen levels and listen to chest/breathing and felt chest he say i DIDNT break rib or lung DIDNT colapsed and was very good with me , he said the pain would hurt for few weeks maxium but me being me i've worry meself sick today thinking i hav broken rib and its punchered lung or i worrying i gunna die :mad: yet yet yet again i'm so so :lac: with myself i'm such a dick head i keep doing this to mysel;f i have spend 6 hours shaking in nervous i have upset a very close freind as well which he didnt understand this issure off my health worrys , we had planned a evenin of wine and tv and romantic evening been planned allweek and me the most stuppid idiot ever told him i no wanna while i fel ill , :doh::doh: i just so low tonight family are tryin hard to surport me but there lossin the gip with me :( i ment be in wales for 4 days monday till fri but i dont want to go :( ,, its just comin to a head now this has taken over my life i feel i cant cope with this i cant retain my life back , gone the days if i fell over id just forget it and move on :( i keep tryin think well the doc wasnt at all worryed at anything and he even said " this will save you worrying and the pain will last for few weeks and i even asked him will breathing hurt and he said " of coruse it will " if theres any members who genuinely are going though same or have become better PLEASE PLEASE beg you to mail me i need advice and help quickly ,, u no i look out window and just feel why bother ! why keep fighting this ! why dont i just give up and give in ! please members gimmie a sign ? its weird i goto admit that my obsestion years ago was trying to find mr right and to settledown but thats just gone now , livin day to days the obestion now but i feel quitly :( HELP :weep::weep::weep::sad: