View Full Version : yay a victory

30-05-06, 05:39
hi all have written a couple of times b4 regarding my anxiety and phobie regarding driving. I have not been driving at all for 6 months. Well the last couple of weekends been driing a little with my husband or sister nest to me but yesterday I started driving a little alone. WOW talk about major panic at first and still is but after a little time I have even enjoyed it alittle. ok I am not exactly going major distances but still very proud of myself and happy for my 2 kids that I have the option. I
know it's still very early days and only driving like 10 mins or so but its a big start for me. I hope i can help someone else get the confidence becoz believe me if I could do it after being absolutely terrified to the point of being obsessed and unable to sleep so can YOU. desi

30-05-06, 07:26
Abig well done Desi:D
Love Helen

30-05-06, 11:20
Well done Desi! You should be very proud of yourself.
I stopped driving 2 years ago through anxiety & have lately been feeling tempted to give it another go, so your post has inspired me even more.
Thanks, mupp

30-05-06, 12:47
well done xxxx keep it up xxx

jools xx

30-05-06, 15:22
Well done Desi

Good to hear your news

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

30-05-06, 15:26
Congratulations Desi x


marie ross
30-05-06, 16:25
Hi Desi,

Well done, hope you get there soon.

Take care.

Marie XXX

30-05-06, 21:19
Hi Desi and well done.
Take care


'This too will pass'