View Full Version : Random thoughts

20-11-11, 02:31
Hey, just wanted to ask if anyone if they have/had random thoughts in the past that you would obviously wouldn't act upon that pop up and/or you may think of but find unpleasent and frightening, such as ''I wanna punch that guy in the face'' but think ''where the hell did that come from?, I wouldn't do that, that's not me!'' or something similar which causes an anxious and/or stressful response which may cause the person to over-analyse thier thoughts.

20-11-11, 04:36
Yes, I get random thoughts sometimes, scary ones too.

20-11-11, 08:42
yes I have some very odd thoughts, don't know where they come from.

20-11-11, 14:57
I get odd thoughts like this but tend to get negative thoughts or those memories from situations in the past that haven't gone so well, even going back to my childhood.

They just pop in my head with no rhyme or reason to them. I'm getting better at dealing with these memories when they arise though.

I have had a spate of time where un bidden thoughts would come into my head like yours OP. I have always been pretty taken back by those, and as such they don't worry me as much. My mates pretty much have the same feelings from time to time so I assume it's 'normal'. :huh: