View Full Version : Trapped wind? Please help:(

20-11-11, 06:19
I suffer with ibs so I'm used to bowel pains and wind. In the past I've had trapped wind too, up by my heart.
Friday night I felt a niggle of trapped wind around the side of left breast area, had it loads of times and it wasn't bothering me much so carried on and just took gaviscon. All week I'd been busy and eaten very little, skipped meals etc.... Also I'd been wheat free and my gp put me back on wheat for a month, as of last Tuesday, so he can do a coeliac test in December, he said I have to eat it for a month.

Then Friday over night it got worse, I couldn't lie on my side, I had to sleep propped up. If I sat up and massaged the area I hiccuped or trumped. I had it all yesterday, aswell as my bowels popping like crazy. I ate as normal but that didn't help.

I slept better last night but it's still there at side of my left breast, practically under my armpit and slightly into left shoulder. My bowels are bubbling too, it's like I'm totally riddled with gas all over and I can't calm it down:(((

Being a worrier I've had myself upset that it's something more serious like pancreatitis, but my friend is a nurse and age said its far too high to be that and I'm not running a fever. She thought as it hurts when I bend, stretch, lie down etc... That it's not only wind but muscular?

Has anyone suffered like this and can reassure me? I know I have in past had trapped wind but I'm worried.

I'm taking colofac, peppermint, gaviscon, but none have helped it

20-11-11, 07:26
ive been suffering from ectopic heart beats like.....15 a minute since last september, i have constant wind, its all on my left side and under my left breast, it rumbles and makes soooo much noise. ive been to the dr and he just says 'oh well' its just wind. ive just got up now and its sooo bad, im sure its whats causing these skips. dr said wind can travel anywhere and its harmless, just ignore it, if i lay on my left side i pass loads of wind!! (sorry for that!) ha. i also have Health anxiety and keep thinking that i have a ilness, but no ive been to the dr. xxx PLEASE dont worrry you are 100% FINE xxxx

20-11-11, 08:35
Thanks so much Katie.

Does yours hurt if you lie down on your back or side? I haven't been able to lie on my side at night for the last 2 days:-((

It hurts to laugh too? or if i bend over to pick things up, it is like the wind causes more pressure? Feels like a big ball of it stuck at the side of my left breast.

20-11-11, 09:03

I also have IBS (great fun isn't it)? I find that there isn't a day goes by without waking up in pain, most of which appears to be wind!

It's hard to believe that IBS can do all this. I think that the Anxiety that we suffer will contribute also to the discomfort making it a Catch 22 problem.

I've suffered Coeliac Disease for about 15 years now, therefore I have maintained a strict Gluten/Wheat Free diet during that time but I don't remember ever suffering from the wind pains as bad as when I was diagnosed with IBS about a year ago.

This year I have so far managed to stay away from A and E with my stomach pain, which I'm always sent away after all the tests and told it is due to IBS and Gastric.

Sadly, the medication which is prescribed for acidity will also have wind as a side effect (Omeprazole in particular).

For me it's a mystery where it comes from but I know that it is very very painful and can appear anywhere such as upper/lower abdominal, chest, back, side and shoulder blades.

I also find that no medication for IBS has any effect on me (Buscopan, Mebeverine).

I would very strongly advise that you try Charcoal Tablets from the chemist. These are side effect free and safe and natural. I find that they help me more than anything else.


20-11-11, 09:23
Thank you. I do have charcoal tablets, I shall try taking them more often.

It is a horrible thing to live with.

My GP has me on wheat for a month before they can test me for Coeliac disease. If i am suffering like this after only a few days eating wheat again, I dread to think how I will feel in 4 weeks time.

20-11-11, 13:45
Its so difficult to differentiate between wind pain and musculo/skeletal pain isn't it. The fact it hurts when you laugh makes it sound more muscular but????

Did you Dr say how they are going to test your for cealiac, usually they do a blood test first and then send you for gastroscopy to confirm. If wheat is a problem for you then this could also be a reason for your pain????

As horse says try the charcoal tablets ( don't freak about the black poo!) and see if these help, you can also get wind-eze tablets from the chemist.

20-11-11, 14:28

I came off wheat for 10 days and felt much better. Told gp and now he wants me back in wheat for at least a month before they do bloods then if they are positive, an endoscopy.

Thanks x