View Full Version : fear of returning to when i was at my worst

20-11-11, 12:00
last night i had about 3 pretty bad panic attacks. just over a year ago, i was suffering from bad anxiety and depression and was in an almost constant state of feeling like i was going mad and would panic on and off through the day, thinking i was dying and too frightened to leave the house and was getting very little sleep.
i was prescribed mirtazapine and slowly began to get better.
last night i had the worst attacks i have had in a long time - heart racing, nausea, shaking, feeling like i was going to die and the thing that scared me most was that i was beyond help as i am already on medication and so was going to revert back to being at my lowest again.
i have woken up feeling a little strange still and i was just wondering if anybody has had relapses like this? and if so, did it subside or did you seek help once more?

william wallace
20-11-11, 12:25
Maybe that your meds have levelled out considering that you have been on them for a year. Your GP will more than likely increase your dose as you have been doing well on them until now.
Get well soon, WW

20-11-11, 12:30
never thought of that at all. thanks for messaging. i will book an appointment tomorrow.

28-11-11, 11:19
never thought of that at all. thanks for messaging. i will book an appointment tomorrow.

I often feel like I will go back to having MAJOR panic attacks if I have a little one. I think the fear of going back there is what brings them on (how's that for an ironic twist).

Try and think what used to bring on such bad panic attacks and remind yourself that those problems no longer exist.

For example, if I feel myself getting nervous I remind myself that I am no longer in danger of losing my house because I lost my job.