View Full Version : Balance

20-11-11, 14:32
This isn't something I am overly panicking about, I just thought I would see if anyone feels the same. I quite often feel like I favour one side over the other, like when I'm walking along I have an intense felling sometimes that I'm going to go over on my left side. I never have lost my balance or anything like that, it's just an intense feeling internally that I'm going to to the point I often put a little sidestep into my walk in order to account for it. I just wonder if anyone else feels similar? I'm sure it's all anxiety related somewhere along the line!

20-11-11, 15:49
Yes i get this and its always my left side as well. And i have an headache right now and its always left sided.

20-11-11, 15:54
I think you need to take more water with it megs:emot-drunk:


I always feel off balance when im walking even if i dont think im anxious, I dont know that its a certain side though.
Im a lot better when im with somebody and we are talking , I suppose it takes my mind off of it.

20-11-11, 19:09
Snap - I find that I always walk off to the left as well and its even worse if I am carrying a bag as the weight seems to totally unbalance me! As my husband gets this as well and he does not have ha I can only assume its fairly normal balance problem - he always walks off to the right so if we are side by side we can often bump into each other:) Sometimes I have to stop walking and rebalance myself and then start off again.

20-11-11, 19:39
Yep I get that. It's so bad sometimes I feel like I'm walking side-ways like a crab :ohmy:!!!

20-11-11, 21:47
Thanks for all the replies, no I haven't taken anti depressants, I've had it off and on for years, at it's worse I had to stick to the sides when Ealing around the local shopping centre as I would feel so off with all the hustle and bustle. I've never really panicked about it but wondered if others felt it too! It must be just one of those odd tthngs to add to the list :)

21-11-11, 21:07
I get this too its my leftside all my problems are on the left its so anoying:mad:

21-11-11, 23:27
i too get this. i went to docs to say i was losing my balance only on my left side,i was referred to consultant and they thought it maybe something to do with my ears ,so he put me on med for menieres which i came off on fri cos they werent doing anything. but i still have it along with dizziness too. weird:shrug: