View Full Version : Any ladies here with health anxiety who've had a c-section? PLEASE HELP

20-11-11, 15:22
Im scared to death of hospital.. absolutely terrified.

It has been decided Im to have my baby via elective c-section as I developed tokophobia (fear of childbirth) during the recent weeks.
Anyway, Im scared out of my mind...

Im worried Im going to have a heart attack on the operating table or that my anxiety will cause my heart to go erratic and surgeons will think I am have abnormal heart condition and I wont be allowed home..

Im terrified I will say bye to my boys on the morning on the section and never see them again...

I dont care about the pain afterwards, I just want to get out the hospital...

Please please please share your experiences with me.. Im truley scared to death. :(

20-11-11, 15:39
Yep, hello, me ! :byebye:

Mine was an emergency section though, and not elective, so I didn't get any time at all to build myself up to a frenzied hysterical fear (as I undoubtedly would have done). I had horrendous GA and HA at the time, so even the thought that I had to give birth at the end of the 9 months was terrifying me, let alone having to go to the hospital to do it !

There are lots of medical people monitoring you in the theatre, both for your safety and the baby's safety. I was awake during it though had been given something to relax me and already had the epidural tubey bits in place for days prior to the c-section. I think it might be helpful for you to arrange a visit to see the hospital and theatre where you will be having your baby, so that you aren't faced with seeing everything for the first time when you get there, familiarisation. Look at everything around, ask questions of the staff there and don't be afraid to share your fears with them. I had no complications at all from the c-section, a wee bit of anaemia (treated with iron tablets), but then that can happen with a standard vaginal birth anyway.

It was an incredibly quick experience, over before I thought it had started :roflmao:Do you have any health problems at all, or are your fears of 'heart problems' part of your HA ?

20-11-11, 16:07
thanks for the reply..
I dont have any health issues that Im aware however when I get wound up and HA sets in my heart races and I get awful palpitations that can last all day long. I hate the idea of hearing the machines going..

How long were you in hospital?
All I'll be wanting to do is get home to my 2 boys... im so scared.
I dont wanna be in a bed 24 hours with tubes in my bladder... I want to atleast try to walk as soon as Im able... they say the faster a person can get out of bed the quicker they can go home- All I'll wanna do is go home...

20-11-11, 16:38
Have no experience of a c section but just wanted to wish you luck :hugs: x x

20-11-11, 17:01
I had one too, emergency because he was breech. I was terrified to have a c-section to, BUT it went good. Remember that MILLIONS of women do this everyday. There are people there monitoring you and your baby...you are going to be fine! They are trained and know what to watch for. I have a friend who is a nurse that had a c-section with her 2nd one, she said that she prefers the c-section vs natural child birth. Hope this helps!

20-11-11, 17:04
hi. I had an elective C section in jan and had EXACTLY the same thoughts as you! i was really nervous and my heart rate was about 150 i think! they put me on a ECG during the op as they couldnt understand why -i kept say 'I'm NERVOUS thats why!' i was scared stiff i wouldnt make it through but i am hear to tell the tale. I HATED being in hospital but was in for 3 days as my pulse was just over 100 i think and they like it to be under a100. but please dont try and think about that as i got into such a tiz-waz about it, the pulse kept creeping up! in fact i said to a midwife, the more you keep saying 'your pulse has to be under 100, the more it wont be!!!

i still fear i will have to be taken into hosptial, even when i get a slight niggle for anything!

i hope this has not made you feel worse- i just wanted you to know that it was the same for me and they have to deal with alot more poorly people than us giving birth, people with major heart conditions and lots of things. All the best x

20-11-11, 17:07
Hi. I have awful health anxiety and real fear of any medical intervention. At this moment i am sure i have appendicitis and am so scared i will have to go into hospital and always think i will never see my girls again. I have had two c sections one an emergency and one planned due to pre eclampsia. The first i was up and about quickly tubes from all orifices removed by next morning. The second didnt go quiet to plan but that was really due to my bp been so high. But even then the medics sorted it. I was exactly the same as you couldnt eat, crying, saying my goidbyes "in my head" to my daughter. If i can do it anyone can!! It is very quick and they make it exciting and pleasent with an elective. I have awful palps that showed on the monitor. I made my anethatist give me a running commentary. Good luck and how exciting. Its making me broody!! When are you booked in for? Do you know what you are having. Enjoy not been able to do much at first and spend time just been with your lovely baby. My 18 month is so grown up now. Please feel free to contact me if you just need a chat andd get your fears out x

20-11-11, 19:42
I had an elected csection 12 weeks ago with my second as I had one with my first....i also suffer with health related anxiety.

It was all good in the end...my biggest fear was the injection, I proper worked myself up.

THE ONLY THING I WOULD PREPARE YOURSELF FOR: after you have your spinal injection your BP can lower...this happened to me on the recent one. I felt very dizzy and the room was bright and became very nauseous. IT DOESN'T HAPPEN TO EVERYONE...NOR WILL IT DEF HAPPEN TO YOU.

I don't want you to panic just give you the answer incase it happens to try set the anxiety to rest.


21-11-11, 00:01
Hi jeanine, I am new to the board. I have health anxiety and have had 2 csections. Pre-eclampsia both times emergency. Babies were fine. I was awake throughout for both. It was very comforting to be awake and have the anesthetist chat. They will give you something to relax with and you will be monitored very closely. The baby is put on your chest so you can see baby immediately. Once the epidural wears off..you can start walking around. Take care with your wound whilst getting up and down stairs and off the bed. Just think of how many people to see your lovely baby come into this world and welcome him/her. Inbox me if you want any more info. Im sure you will be great.

21-11-11, 20:46
Hello Jeanine,
I'm a medical student and have watched a few C-sections before. An elective C-section is all pretty relaxed and the team have done hundreds or thousands before. In every single one I saw the mum and baby both did great. The father of the baby / birth partner can sit in a chair by your head and hold your hand. There is a sheet pinned up at your chest so you can't see what the surgeons are doing. Most people say it just feels like "someone washing up in their tummy". The anaesthetist is constantly monitoring your vital signs and is there solely to make sure you are ok, and they are usually nice and chatty and kind, whilst the obstetrician is there to help your baby out safely. The whole thing is pretty quick - baby out within 5 mins of starting the operation and then 20 mins after that the whole thing is finished. Try and look forward to seeing your baby instead of all the surgery stuff - because you will forget all that, and only remember the moment you got to meet your new baby!

21-11-11, 21:12
ive had 3 c-sections, 1st two emergencies and third elective if you could really call it that because given the choice i would have tried for a natural birth again, the thought of putting myself through that procedure even though i had been through it twice before brought on severe anxiety for me! after spending the whole pregnancy worrying about this, convinced i would be the one who died on the table, my heart even though probably perfectly healthy heart would fail mid surgery i came out from the surgery feeling absolutely wonderful just a couple of moments of light headedness was all i had to endure, the anaesthetist was incredibly reassuring and once baby was out which was surprisingly quick i had something totally different to focus on!!! you will be fine and keep telling yourself that!