View Full Version : headache?

20-11-11, 17:45
All week i have had a really bad one sided headache on my left. The back of my head where my skull meets my neck is very sore on the left and hurts when i rub that area.It hurts if i lift my head up/down and side to side. I know this is whats causing my headache but i dont know why its sore and how to get rid of it. The more i rub it the more sore it is. Could this be tension? the headache is so bad i cant think clear.

---------- Post added at 17:45 ---------- Previous post was at 16:41 ----------

Nobody had this or know what it is?

20-11-11, 18:21
i suffer with this on and off, and my doctor has told me (many times!) that it’s definitely tension-based. the muscles towards the top of your back and neck tense up, and this affects the muscles at the base of your skull (and often those near your temples, too). it's such a debilitating headache to have.

try wrapping a hot water bottle in a towel and placing it on a pillow – lie back so the bottle's held between your skull and your shoulders. quiet, soothing music can help – as can soft lighting (i don't know about you, but i find lying in the dark while i'm anxious too intense; candles or fairy lights are perfect, though). i really hope your headache goes soon!

20-11-11, 18:30
Your right emmasaurus i have many headaches but this has got to be the most debilitating i have had. Its sore right across the base of my skull but only on my left right up to nearly my ear.I feel like the left side of my head has been hit with a sledge hammer. Could it be with anxiety and being on the laptop more. So does rubbing it not help or does it make it worse. I cant turn my neck to the right.

20-11-11, 18:35
I'm glad you have started this topic as I have been experiencing a pain at the back of my head and the pain moves up. It's only happened today but it has been on and off and it is really discomforting. Is this tension? It's the only logical reason I can think of.

Fly away Katie
20-11-11, 18:40
OMG I've got it too. But its more tense and TIGHT. BUT I do get pain everywhere you mentioned. I've had it for TWO WEEKS NOW and i don't think i've ever been more depressed or worried in my life. x

20-11-11, 19:03
Mines actually sore when i touch it and it hurts if i cough or even swallow at the back of my skull. Tension??

Fly away Katie
20-11-11, 19:04
Mine hurts when I breathe and swallow. And hurts to touch up the sides. x

---------- Post added at 19:04 ---------- Previous post was at 19:03 ----------

just coughed and it really HURT at the back of my skull as well.... WHAT is it?? Argh :'(

20-11-11, 19:06
I dont know, have you got an headache as well? Mines on the same side that its sore so it must be related.

Fly away Katie
20-11-11, 20:11
Yeah. Its tense all day and then afternoon/evening I get a heache aswell. Mines all focused at the back though. Im so scared. x

20-11-11, 21:11
I am going to the doctors tomorrow so i am going to ask him what it is and if theres any tablets i can have because i am getting this one sided headache every day.Ibruprofen isnt touching it and i feel off balance and my left eye feels tired and feels droopy but it isnt.

20-11-11, 21:23
it really is tension. it can be one-sided, or even move from place to place. it's difficult to accept that's all it is when it feels so awful, but tension can do all sorts of weird and wonderful things to our heads.

painkillers don't necessarily work, unfortunately. but like i said, i do find that heat comforts me a little - as does just kicking back with a cup of tea and a good film. it can be hard to settle - or even to focus on the tv, but it's better than crouching over a laptop (which may be adding to your discomfort) and doing nothing to distract from what you're feeling.

Fly away Katie
21-11-11, 12:37
Hi Emma, i've had a tension/pressure in the back of my head for just over 2 weeks now. and now it has pain aswell.. gets worse in the late afternoon. Is that Tension?

Can hurt in odd random places? xxx

21-11-11, 12:58
katie - i'm not at all surprised you're suffering from head pain after feeling tense for over two weeks now. and i often find that i experience more pain during the afternoon for the same reason - because i become increasingly tense throughout the day. tension can cause pain all over the place - but i'm not a doctor. if you're worried, consult your gp. but if they give you the all-clear, the thing to do is focus on relaxation. exercise (swimming is good), massage, meditation... whatever it takes to unwind.

Fly away Katie
21-11-11, 15:46
I went to see the doctor a week ago. She reassured me. But a week on, it's still there. Just want to know whats causing the tension :( xxx