View Full Version : reaction to medication

20-11-11, 17:11
well. took the anti-sickness tablets for nausea as prescribed by the dr. i reacted badly to them..fits and spasms. i started feeling strange at the cinema and couldnt speak, we called an ambulance - they were great. my eyes were rolling back and i was so scared. my bp went over 170/140.. iwas so scared. i thought i would die especially when the medics got worried. anyway to cut a long story short was sent to the resus bay and wiredup. i waas given some anti-spasm drugs which worked well.

im now back home and my heart keeps jumping around,, im scared im going to fitt again. my heart keeps bounding around.. im scared im reacting to my counter meds.

im generally terified right now.

Jess xxx

20-11-11, 17:18
Oh gosh poor you. It is normal to feel terrified after that. How frightening but remember they did sort you and you are back home. Be kind to yourself anyone would be anxious for a while even if they didnt have anxiety! Chill now be pampered and think it is rsre to have a true reaction to any med so to have one to a completely different group of drugs would be very very unlikley and the medics know what they are looking for wouldn't have let you go if there was any risk. You wont be taking them again!

22-11-11, 21:11
Hi Jess, just read this and wondering how you doing now? Hope the medication has worn off?

22-11-11, 21:16
Thanks Raja and Daisydoo..

Not feeling great at the mo.. see my next post. :-(
