View Full Version : anyone had tonsil stones?

20-11-11, 19:42
hi all, first time on here in a while as I'd been doing really well lately :(

had a bit of a throaty cough and some burping and "bubbling" sensations in the back of my throat lately which I originally put down to a little acid reflux and didn't worry about it. however, I looked in the mirror a little while ago and there is a samll white mark on what I *think* is my tonsil. I googled (yes I know :() and I think it's a tonsil stone. I can't feel if it's hard or soft as my tongue can't really reach it and it's too far back for me to touch with my finger without gagging.

any advice?

edit: Whatever it was, I just managed to scrape most of it off, and after swallowing what was left had disappeared too. That's a relief.

Fly away Katie
20-11-11, 20:06
I've recently seen my doctor because I had one too.
They are normal and harmless.
Mine went on its own after a month completely.
It's a build up of food that sits in a little crease in your throat.
It's normal at this time of year also with colds and that
Youll be fine :) xxx

Rachel W
23-11-11, 15:39
I never knew what they were but know I used to get them as occasionally I would cough one up in my mouth and they are really smelly and gross. I always thought that they were a bit of old soft tartar that I must have missed (although never knew how that could have happened). Then last year I read about them and all became clear. They are completely normal and apparently if you see them before they come out you can get a Q-tip and push to the side and they can just pop out. Gross I know.