View Full Version : Confidence

30-05-06, 12:09
I think that there must be two types of confidence, because I know that I have abilities and strengths that are really good, for example I'm volunteering as a social coordinator and I've handed out questionairres, organised sports teams and blagged lots of freebies from local companies- which are things that most people wouldn't feel confident enough to do. Yet, I'm very easily over awed. The world terrifies me, life terrifies me, people generally terrify me. I'm looking for a new job at the moment and i don't want to do anything that involves dealing with the public because I don't feel confident about doing it.

I've got A levels and a degree, yet my chronic lack of confidence has prevented me from achieving a career. I'm scared of responsibility and stress. So, I've done manual jobs instead and become very depressed because I feel bored and trapped and like my life is going nowhere.

I know that confidence comes from doing things and facing your fears. I used to sell things on the street and i had to overcome a lot of fear to even approach people. The frustrating thing is that I'll do something that scares me and it feels great at the time, but i don't seem to get any long term confidence from it. I'm still as scared now of doing those things even though I've done them already and they were easy.

I don't physically feel right. My shoulders, back and legs are all really tensed up and my head feels very tense too. I'm sure that that is the cause of me feeling exhausted all the time.

I'm sat in my room waiting to go to work and i don't want to go. I don't want to leave the room. I don't want to do anything. This room doesn't even feel like a safe haven to me.

I know that I need to relax. Yesterday I had a great time with my fiancee and she gave me a massage and we had candles on and I felt pretty relaxed and then I tried to go to sleep and i was all tense and anxious again.

I've had this for about 4 years and i feel at the end of my tether with it. I've carried on working all that time, doing a physically hard job, which is horrible and stressful, but there seems to be no other work about that is any better. Most jobs offering just minimum wage. i can't afford not to work, to stop at home and rest, so I have to carry on. I'm not even sure if I would want to be off work because I might get to the point where I don't want to leave the house!!

I would say that the route of all my problems is frustration. I can feel it inside of me. I just want to do something that i enjoy with my life. I'm educated, I'm bright and I've got abilities, but where jobs are concerned I either get the door slammed in my face (presumably because I stack tins of beans for a living), I get to the very last round of interviews and fail to get the job (how annoying!!) or the company expects me to work for nothing indefinitely (I had that in television and I've been working for 6 months unpaid in leisure).

The job that I do for the health club, if that was paid I'd probably be a lot happier, calmer and more confident. I'm trying to earn money through it. I've set up a website and I'm hoping that people will buy things from me or want to sign up to the gym and I can earn commission. It seems like a bit of a long shot though.

people keep saying to me why am i putting in so much work when I don't get paid for it. But, the way I see it is that I wouldn't have got the job if it was a paid position. It's a cv-builder/experience. It gives me the opportunity to meet new people and make friends (something that i desperately need). It gives me an opportunity to play Sport.It's a confidence booster for me and it gives me an outlet for all my ideas and schemes. At the end of the day I'd love to develop my career in leisure or web design. It's just hard for me to see long term at the moment, because I don't trust myself to follow through.

Sorry for the long post. I haven't been on here for a little while because I've been feeling a little fragile and I didn't want anything to set me off.

Anyway, try this link http://www.bbc.co.uk/heal