View Full Version : A new anxiety for me- crippling me!

21-11-11, 00:06
Hi, I have always been ok with other people- I have social anxiety tendencies but have always managed to control them. Until this last week. I'm under intense pressure at work (where I've not felt comfortable for the last 6 months), and now my manager has instigated a formal disciplinary hearing. It's purely personal (the disciplinary, but as she's a manager she is backed uo 100% by HR, and has used personal emails I sent and facebook posts as the 'evidence') but I haven't been able to face even leaving my house for the last 5 days. It's freaking me out. I need to face people at work so I can try and defend myself but I just can't face anyone at all right now. So lost and confused, very sad and feeling incredibly isolated. Am taking my mirtazapine, but less than 2 weeks in to treatment, and just don't know what to do now.

22-11-11, 16:03
Thank you. I'm seeing my gp on Thursday, hoping to be able to face going into work soon. Not sure how I'll cope with sitting near my manager though!