View Full Version : Anxiety and Panic attacks ruining my life :(

21-11-11, 01:16
Hiya Everyone,
I'm new to this site and after reading other forums I thought i would kind of share my story and ask questions etc.. As they say its good to talk and maybe it will help me writing all this out hehe
Right, Im 20 and have been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks since i was 11. Ive recently been put on anti depressants and had to drop out of an amazing performing arts college due to being absent so much.
Its weird coz im like a silent sufferer, I have soo much confidence on stage when performing but really I am soo shy and self concious and suffer badly form anxiety.
I manly get 'panicky' at night times and dont sleep at all, I then spend my days sleeping which is annoying as I feel im wasting my life by staying in bed but i cant sleep at night.
I also have a fear of having panic attacks and work myself up. This has now stopped me from travelling on trains and doing stuff and my anxiety is holding me back and a lot of the time i dont want to do anything coz im scared im guna have a panic attack.. Im constantly scared :(
I had councelling when I was 13 (at the time i was being bullied due to not being at school due to performing in shows) this cured my eating disorder i was suffering with but obviously didnt help for my anxiety.
Atm i dont feel like my anti depressants are working :( i feel the same.. i dont know much about medication and have been on them since september..
Ive been looking online for like residential rehab centres for depression and anxiety so if anyone knows of any I would be very greatful..
also I would love to hear from other people methods of coping with their anxiety and panics and their stories.
I just want to live my life and not carry this annoyance around with me and let it ruin my life :(


28-11-11, 04:44
I feel you, I am the same way. I worry about when my next attack will be and where I will be. The thing with me is I gag with my anxiety and when that starts I just throw up. Gross I know so with that I don't eat well or when I do eat its a ton of food at once. I have 4 kids at home and I want to do things with them and get out of my house. I am off to the drug store tomorrow get get vitamins and going to start trying that out. I know it will take some time but I have to try and stick with it. I will think of you and always say a little prayer. :hugs:

28-11-11, 11:15
i have really bad anxiety. It stops me from doing anything, and anything alone. I hate been left in the house alone and i only go out when i HAVE to which is once a week.. if that to be honest. This is not good i know seems i have 3 young kids. Its just this has ruined my life. Im 24 now and have been suffering from anxiety from about the age of 15/16 but its only until a couple years of go it has got this bad.

I am convinced i have something wrong with me, such as maybe lung cancer or that i have developed asthma, as i always feel out of breathe and short of breathe and everyday is a constant battle with breathing for me, all i have had done is a peak flow test and my chest listened to and my bloods took. Im still convinced i am ill.

Im scared of eating new things or anything including nuts even though i never used to be allergic to them, i am convinced i have started allergies. My eating is dead fussy because of it.

To be honest i could go on and on and on about how much its ruined my life and panic attacks a few times a day on a daily basis just gets to me so much but i have to try and hold it together for my kids sakes.

I try and distract my self by playing games, maybe on the computer and on my ds, and just do puzzles etc, my partner helps sometimes by giving me massages to try and relax me.