View Full Version : Headaches/Joints and Glands

30-05-06, 12:13
Hi All,

Its been quite while since ive been on here. Im up to my eyeballs with one thing and another.

My period is a week late, which im not worrird about, but I feel so achy, after being in bed and getting up, im all stiff, my back aches, my joints ache when I bend my hand. At the base of my head, where my glands are either side hurts. I feel about 90 years old. Ive got all these illnesses going round in my head. Due to see the doctor next week, but could all this be stress, PMT and general run down?

Sorry to babble, had to ask if any of my trusted friends on here get this. Im thinking Artheritis, Glandular fever, everything.

I have no energy to move, there has been alot goin on recently. The 2 youngest havent slepted through for about 8 weeks.

Any self help tips would be good.

Thanks all,

Emma xx

30-05-06, 12:40
hi emma i think you could be coming down with flu or cold...but saying that it could just be stress thats making you feel so run down...i often feel this way with anxiety and then start worrying about what could be wrong..when i first began feeling ill with anxiety my two children werent sleeping through either.. for weeks they always were poorly and i was constantly getting up for them both throughout the night...this exhausted me and im sure was the trigger for my anxiety as i started with panic attacks soon after
please dont worry just try to get some rest..you will be fine

30-05-06, 13:13
I agree it is probably MT or a cold. Anxiety as well as lack of rest will delay your periods. I know when mine is delayed it usually takes 1 night of 8 hour sleep for my body to get back on track. I had a great week last week and thought I was through the worst of my anxiety but due to a stressful weekend I had an attack in church and I cropped up all kinds of new symptoms and what if thinking. Just tell yourself...."so what if?" and breathe and lmow that it will pass. It always does eventually right?

worrying is alot Like a Rocking Chair It is something todo but it won't get you anywhere