View Full Version : Constantly checking Pulse PLEASE HELP!!!

21-11-11, 11:08
Since my Daughter was stillborn 7 weeks ago I have been having a slow heartbeat! ive been to doc and Hospital but nothing found, I have terrible HA but it is so bad now it ruining my life. Since the death of my Daughter I cant seem to get a grip! I check my pulse all day every day! Please can someone tell me how to cope with this problem.

21-11-11, 14:20
I'm not surprised that you feel this way. losing a child must be totally horrific.
Have you had or been offered any counselling?

21-11-11, 15:16
Babyalpinestar, so sorry to hear that, I can't begin to imagine what you are going through.

First of all, don't beat yourself up over the HA at the moment. Give yourself permission to have a bit of a meltdown, you must be dealing with so much at the moment, you can't be expected to hold everything together all of the time.

To help cope with the pulse checking, try limiting how often you can check your pulse. Be strict with yourself, and say 'I can only check it once a day' (or once an hour, or even once every 10 mins). Then set a timer or an alarm for that time, and when it goes off, check then and only then. Make sure you make it an achievable time length. Then, as the days go on, make that time longer. So maybe make it an hour for a few days, then up to two hours, then three, then a couple of times a day, etc. etc.

I learned this technique when I did CBT to deal with symptom checking. I found it really helped. If ever I find anything I am worried about I make a mental note to check in a week but not before. My brain seems to cope with that, because it knows I'm dealing with it. Previously I would have checked constantly and worked myself up into a state.

Hope that helps. All the best with what you are dealing with. I think the fact that you have recognised this HA issue and are asking for help shows that you are a very strong person :hugs:

21-11-11, 18:18

I can't really help with the pulse checking thing as I do it too whenever I'm feeling slightly off colour (which is about every 10 mins :blush:).

I just wanted to say how sorry I am for the loss of your baby girl...

I had a miscarriage in 2009 and I completely fell apart so I can't begin to imagine how you're feeling.:weep:

You're allowed to feel like this - it won't go away over night and if it's really affecting you as much as it is then you need to get yourself to the GP so that they can refer you for some counseling to help you cope with all of this.:hugs:

Stay strong and don't be afraid to tell people who you're feeling.

Take care :hugs:

21-11-11, 18:35
Sorry to hear about the loss of your lil girl ...
i used to check my pulse every 5 minutes due to health anxiety i dont actually think that there is any remedy in stoppin doing this unless you really want to, i went to cbt and she just told me to stop and i did just that i probley check my pulse on average 5 times a week now were as before it was 5o times an hour... my health anxiety was also triggered by similar loss just now you are not alone there are people and meds out there that can help you! and you are aloud to grieve its a normal part of life i hope you find a way to control this and another thing how many times have u checked your pulse and how many times has somethink serious happened to you ! You will be okay you seem like a strong woman all the best my heart goes out to you x x

21-11-11, 20:39
Hello hun,

I'm so sorry about your daughter, I think you should let yourself have some time to grieve and don't worry too much about dealing with your HA right now, even though it is distressing of course.

Until just a few weeks ago I used to check my pulse obsessively, once I was on the phone to my boyfriend and couldn't even listen to what he was saying because I had a finger on my pulse terrified it was about to stop or go crazy. My counsellor told me to stop feeling my pulse, and she said it would make my anxiety slightly worse to begin with, but then it would get much better. And that is exactly what happened.

So maybe not right now - but at a time when you are feeling stronger - you CAN stop feeling your pulse. It will make you feel more nervous to begin with, but you have to tell yourself that if there was something really wrong with your heart you would lose consciousness and not really be able to do anything anyway. Tell yourself that everyone else survives every day without ever feeling their pulses. After a week or so of not feeling your pulse, you will start to feel better and less worried about your heart I promise.

22-11-11, 18:26
Thank you to everyone and your kind responses. It has been hell! But im tryin to make it through each day. Pulse checking and health anxiety is awful and my heart goes out to you all.