View Full Version : Worried I have a brain tumour

21-11-11, 13:24
I am new to these forums and am seeking some reassurance as I am so worried. I have had a headache in the same spot for the past 5 days. I also have some jaw and ear pain. Could it be a brain tumour?

21-11-11, 14:29
Or it could be a tension headache brought on my tense muscles in your shoulders and neck. I had this earlier on in the year and my headache was above and behind my right eye. I even went to the opticians for an eye test to check the pressure in my cranial cavaity but it was fine. Eventually the headache went.

So I really don't think you have a brain tumour.

21-11-11, 14:58
I you're gonna assume a headache that's lasted a short period of time is a brain tumour, if you thoroughly examine your body you'll probably diagnose yourself with 10+ different diseases.

More common causes of a headache:

Caffeine withdrawal/other withdrawal

macc noodle
21-11-11, 15:08
If you have a headache caused by a brain tumour it is not just an annoying headache lasting days, it is exceedingly painful and you would not even want to be bothered using the computer ........................

It more than likely is tension - try some relaxation, steam inhalation and paracetomol and see how it goes.

Macc Noodle

21-11-11, 15:20
Or possibly sinus congestion or infection. Whatever it is, it won't be a brain tumour :flowers:

Fly away Katie
21-11-11, 15:45
I've got exactly the same but have had it for TWO WEEKS. getting scared and sick and tired of it now. x

21-11-11, 20:01
If you can find a tender spot near by on your skull then it is most likely muscle. It can be muscle even if you don't have one though. I get them all the time, all from my neck tension. Ice helps resolve it. Dont use it for more than 10 ish minutes or so on your head, 15 for neck, 20 for back ...

21-11-11, 20:12
I quite often get a stiff neck followed by 2-3wks of continuous headache. For some bizarre reason I never thought that the stiff neck could be causing the headache, just always assumed they came together - doh!!!

Now wondering why I keep getting stiff neck every moth or two???

22-11-11, 07:56
Thankyou guys, you've made me feel a lot better and I am starting to think it is actually caused by me grinding my teeth. Seeing the dentist tomorrow.

22-11-11, 10:16
Hi ylva, grinding your teeth could definitely be the cause. Your jaw muscles will be full of tension, causing the pain in your jaw and ears, and spreading the tension around the rest of your head and giving you the nasty headaches. Let us know how you get on x

29-11-11, 18:49
I've had a headache since June. Doc seems to thinks it's health anxiety. Currently on anti depressants but still no change. Eye pressure checks came back ok including blood pressure. I have convinced myself that I have a brain tumour. Seen 3 docs now and all refuse to refer me to a neurologist.

29-11-11, 18:53
flying im the same as you i have shooting pains from right side and ill have a break for a week or 2 then ill be back to square 1 for few weeks docs check my post below xx

01-12-11, 15:38
I'd say it's from clenching up. I get headaches semi regularly, and its usually when I'm overly tense about something, even if I dont actually realise at the time.