View Full Version : I DID IT !!!!!

30-05-06, 12:16

I Thought i best share my success with you, as i am real pleased with myself.
Last Saturday i went to my nieces wedding, i had been dreading the wedding for months as i thought i wouldnt be able to make it. My daughter was a bridesmaid and there where family members at the wedding that i havent seen for years. It was absolutley brillaint.
I suffer with Agorophobia and unable to shop so my mum as had to help me get fitted out with clothes, she as been going to clothes shops bless her, and bringing clothes home for me to try till eventually i got the right clothes to wear for the wedding.
I know most of my family thought i would not attend, but i proved them wrong, they are thrilled that i made it.
Its been 10 years since i have attended any social event so i thought i best share it with everyone.

Thankyou for reading!

Love Andrea

30-05-06, 12:58
awww well done, how fantastic! and did you have a wonderful time?..im really pleased for you..maybe now you can make a few more steps now..hope so well done again xxxx

jools xx

30-05-06, 14:26
Hi Andrea,

I'm really pleased for you, well done. :D

Take Care,


30-05-06, 14:49
dear Andrea,FAB,BRILL,BRAVO...My goodness what a breakthru!!!May this be the start of a whole new lie for you Andrea,YOU GO GIRL!Love mary-rose.xxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

30-05-06, 15:52
Hi Andrea

Well done hun im so pleased for you. I know you were nervous but you just did it. Sending hugs (((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) your way.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

30-05-06, 16:36
Brilliant news Andrea - very well done
Love Helen

marie ross
30-05-06, 16:50
Hi Andrea,

Well done!!! I really hope that you can keep it up and go out more and more. Brilliant news, i'm really happy for you.

Take care.

Marie XXX

30-05-06, 18:33
WELL DONE ANDREA. Hope this has now turned into a turning point for you. small steps and you'll get there. keep on at it and keep focused on what you did. be dead proud of yourself.

take care


30-05-06, 20:39
Thankyou for all your replies, im hoping now to take some bigger steps, it as given me a real boost, once again thankyou !:D

Love Andrea

30-05-06, 20:49
Hi Andrea,

A huge WELL DONE to you! You must be so chuffed with yourself and your family must be so proud! Keep it up!

Coni X

30-05-06, 23:00
Wow! Big well done to you hunni. Am very proud of you. Keep up the good work.

x x

30-05-06, 23:08

That is so brilliant - I am so happy for you!!! Well done.

31-05-06, 03:52

Great job, I know how happy you must be. I also know that it must have been great to have seen so many family members and they must have also loved seeing you. How nice.


31-05-06, 05:20
absolutely unbelievable!!!!!! beauty keep it up i am so happy for you. desi

31-05-06, 09:11
Hi Andrea
Well done you, glad you had a good time. I am so happy for you.
Well done


'This too will pass'

31-05-06, 16:24
well done hold your head up high and be proud.... this is a brilliant step you have took dnt give in to it now keep looking to the future....

once again well done [8D]

31-05-06, 19:02
Andrea - that's fantastic!!

I find that when the pressure's on I find going out a bit easier. But I am speaking as someone who is usually just too stressed to go very far as opposed to being generally agoraphobic.

Sometimes it's all about focussing yourself for an occassion that cannot be repeated on any other day.

Be proud,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

31-05-06, 21:07
Hi andrea, well done, you did superb, especailly when home is so safexxx

lisa p
05-06-06, 19:26
Hi Andrea

Well done, you must have felt very proud!
