View Full Version : are you more sensitive to noise?

21-11-11, 15:04
does anyone get really stressed with say...just the noise of the TV or radio? this might sound silly,but i feel i have alot of thoughts in my head that any noise just irritates me and makes me stressed.....this is usually right after an attack.I couldnt even watch my favourite program the other day,in fact i couldnt concentrate on anything,only my thoughts and worries.am i going mad?

macc noodle
21-11-11, 15:06
Hi there and welcome,

No you are not going mad - intolerance to noise is a well know side effect of anxiety. When I was really bad, even people talking irritated me hugely!!

Are you getting any treatment ?

Macc Noodle

21-11-11, 15:07
Yes me too i have not watched tv for weeks i try and read a book but in our frame of mind it is so hard to concentrate. Even my favourite shows i aint botherd about. Sometimes it feels that this illness is taking me completely over so i have no enjoyment at all. x

21-11-11, 15:09
just doing school run but will reply soon,thanx for replies x

21-11-11, 15:25
I am exactly the same, I get annoyed if noise interrupts my stupid thoughts. I am also easily startled, telephone, door bell........terrify me :weep:

I can't watch tv either, I find tv triggers my thoughts and thus anxiety too so I avoid at the moment :weep:

Conversation and things people say also trigger my anxiety.

No life really.

21-11-11, 15:40
oh god,all this sounds far too familiar,maybe im worse than i thought? no Macc im not on any meds,but i had terrible attacks a few years ago ,but managed with cd's self help etc.they way i felt last week was just desperate,i dont really want to take anti depressants as im already on meds for high bp,but i dont want to feel like this again.Im ok at the moment but,only until the next attack :(

21-11-11, 15:40
Me too!

When I am super anxious I can't tolerate noise at all, especially when out in public, and when people walk closely behind/next to me chattering or shouting. I also can't bear a high volume on the telly, or if it is a particularly loud programme.

Makes me want to cover my ears and scream.

You are definitely not going mad sickandtired. This is very common. I think our nerves just get so on edge that we can't tolerate very much at all, including noise.

The lack of concentration is common too. I remember when I had a breakdown years ago just staring at the tv, thinking I was watching it, but then not remembering a thing about it afterwards. I also used to watch a programme and burst into tears as my anxiety/panic was screaming in my head.

You will not go mad I assure you. You are just very, very anxious, and please try to believe that this isn't forever, and will get better as long as your anxiety is being properly treated.

Take care.xx:hugs:

21-11-11, 15:49
Thanks Debs
its nice to be reassured,need to ring doctors in the morning....part of a large practice with about 10 docs....some good...a few awful!!! i will not see the QUACK one!! i need to go now ,get my daughter ready for ballet,my other daughter ready for the parents evening about the school trip......you wouldnt believe the worries that have gone/are going through my head about that! just about every worse scenario you can imagine,to terrorists,to fire in the channel tunnel,to kidnap......im waking up most nights ,mind in turmoil.....i even tried to talk her out of going even though we,d paid full amount.catch you all later...& thanks ever so much x

21-11-11, 16:35
If a motorbike goes by while I'm walking along it nearly floors me and I feel like my legs will give way. A motorbike roared past me in the car and I nearly swerved off the road with fright. Noises that annoy me seem over amplified and my breathing gets erratic. Its all anxiety I know that but it doesn't make it any easier to cope with or easier to understand. Just normal conversation can be going on and one word will make me jump or react with panic. I didn't recognise it as a symptom until quite recently.

21-11-11, 16:51
i must admit,i am ever so jumpy these days,even the kids seem to get on my nerves just chatting in the car......and then i have the guilt to deal with as well ,coz im so irritable.i wonder if i ever got over the post natal depression and maybe came off my anti depressants too early? my youngest is 9 now.....god have i been suffering all this time? when i look back,i can now see how my confidence has shrunk,libido disappeared,i cant even go for a job interview....yes,its definitely time to see the doctor

21-11-11, 17:58
Yes I am very easily startled also. Telephone, doorbell etc make me jump a mile. And yes I know what you mean about the kids chattering and the guilt etc.

21-11-11, 19:46
on the underground the train was making a really loud screaching noise when I was on it and it made me feel like I wanted to cry, not because I was scared, but because the noise made me feel odd and like I couldn't help but show a reaction on my face, I started sweating a lot more. I hate the underground.