View Full Version : Dentist again

21-11-11, 17:19
I've got my 4th dentist visit within 4 weeks tomorrow. This is for deep scaling and planing. I have committed myself to having 2 sessions at once so I will be in the chair for an hour. I was feeling brave when I agreed to that, because it would cut down my total number of visits, but now it's nearly here I'm getting butterflies. I will have to go at least once more after this before Christmas.

I'm worrying partly because of my agoraphobia and social anxiety and partly about whether I will be able to endure the treatment for that long. I've had a quarter of my mouth done already. It's not exactly fun. I'm worrying that I will let myself down in some way.

If anyone has any words of wisdom about how to be brave I'd be glad of them.

21-11-11, 17:30
Just let the dentist know how you are feeling, and take it step by step. It doesn't have to be full on for a whole hour. Just knowing you can stop for a 1 min break to recover and take a breather will help.

Butterflies are normal. Dentists are experienced in dealing with people with phobias. A fear of dentists won't look that much different from anxiety.

macc noodle
21-11-11, 18:01

Just wanted to say that I think that you have handled this magnificently so far and have no reason to doubt that you will be able to manage it again at the next appointment.

The fact that you have already been and had some treatment is testimony to your strength of character and your ability to overcome your social anxiety and agoraphobia in these situations which surely must give you great hope that one day you will be able to not think twice about going out :hugs:

I am a very nervous patient at the dentist but also I am straight up with them - I tell them it like it is !!! My dentist is lovely and will stop if needs be for a few minutes and we have a chat about other stuff and then get back down to business!!!

I know that an hour seems a long time but it will pass quickly and you need to focus on the fact that your mouth will be so healthy and wonderful when it is all done that you will not suffer any more dental crises - just as long as you make sure you keep having regular check ups :yesyes:

Rain, you are a wonderfully strong woman who can overcome these obstacles - I know you can and am confident that you will be reporting back to us how well it went in the very near future.

Macc Noodle


21-11-11, 18:09
Hi Rain:)

Understand completely your worry . I only went back to dentist recently as well
Before this horror that is called anxiety went no bother every 6 months .
Anyway.......remember always that YOU are in charge here . You can always say enough today folks. it will have happened before lots .
The dentist will tell you to give hand signal if it is getting too bad and you need to swallow etc and they will stop . IF it gets too much then make another appt for later ..........but bet you will be ok ....an hour sounds so long in our heads .
But it goes quicker than we think Rain ...........take a cd player with your calming music on to play in background .....I find breathing through my nose very helpful and also something in your hands to clutch and play with .....mine is always a hanky ...........but my pal takes her teddy and no one bats an eyelid . I also use my keys to fiddle with .the cold metal kind of helps .

Good luck and well done Rain for getting this sorted . :hugs:

21-11-11, 18:17

I so understand your anxieties on this.

I was supposed to start two days of treatment starting today, i am also agoraphobic and over the last few years have developed a fear of having treatment done.

The receptionist phoned me this morning to cancel as my dentist is ill, so i have to go through the same anx feelings in nine days time.

Its a nightmare, however, the one thing i have learned is that the time does go quick when you are in the dentists and its never as bad as we imagine.

I know its hard but try not to think of the timescale, you can get your dentist to stop at anytime.

I do feel for you hun, but we can get through it.

di xx

22-11-11, 13:32
Well I did it! I endured an hour in the chair-nothing bad happened- and I haven't got to go back now for 3 months as they managed to get my whole mouth done. The long drive back was glorious in the November sunshine and I felt so happy that I have got all this over with and sorted.

Thank you everyone for your support and encouragement and tips- it really helped.

Diane, that is rotten luck that your appointemnt had to be rescheduled. I know it's the waiting that's the worst. Once we are in the chair, the finish line is in sight. I hope the week goes quickly for you.

To everyone else reading this-it pays to look after your teeth and go for check ups regularly, because if you put it off, it catches up with you in the end as it did with me and my abscess. I narrowly avoided having to have 2 teeth extracted. I feel relieved and happy now-see my big gleaming smile?

22-11-11, 13:59
Well done for getting through it, you should be very proud of yourself.

I have to say if there is one thing I have learned as I have got older it's the importance of looking after our teeth. Decay doesn't go away, it just gets worse the longer you leave it.

I've had over 30 dental appointments in the last 2yrs, some of them over 2hrs long and it's been a really long and arduous haul, plus very expensive too and I'm still not finished!

My chronic agoraphobia always stopped me going to the dentist, but when I finally plucked up the courage to go I did gradually become used to going. The downside is that having left it for a few years I needed quite a few root canals and crowns doing, something that I could have avoided if I had gone earlier.

Thee is nothing painful about going to the dentist these days and I get fed up of people going "ouch" when I mention root canal fillings as there is nothing to worry about other than finding the money to pay for them.

22-11-11, 20:14
:yahoo: Rain how fab did you do..........

I am so made up for you and i bet your absolutely thrilled that you did it.

I will most definately keep reading your last post in order to get me through mine.

A massive well done and thank you so much for sharing :hugs:

di xx