View Full Version : Newbie from Bristol here!

21-11-11, 18:10
Hi Everyone! :blush:

Just thought I'd post in here so some of you guys will no what you're dealing with next time I post about some miniscule problem that seems to me to be the end of the world! Lol! :doh:

I'm Amy - 27 years old (26 and 4 quarters in my head though... I don't like the sound of 27! Lol!) and I live in Bristol with my partner of 9 years and my 2 kids - Boy of 7 and Baby Girl 14 months.

I came to the realisation a couple of weeks ago that I have an anxiety problem... Constant worries about my health (even as I type), constantly having to focus on my breathing as I seem to be sighing constantly otherwise I feel like I'm not getting enough air into my lungs... :whistles:

My usual hang up is my heart - I always feel like there's a problem - any ache, pain or twinge I'll put down to my heart getting ready to give out at any moment.:weep:

My Dad died unexpectedly in January, and whilst I've always been a bit of a hypochondriac, it's definitely kicked up a gear since my Dad passed away.

Since I came across this site though I'm feeling much better!! Seeing how other people are dealing with what I've been experiencing makes me feel somewhat "normal"! Lol!

Anyway - that's me... Constantly worried about dropping dead, feeling like I can't breath properly, hates uneven numbers and can't stand being late anywhere Amy! :emot-wave:

21-11-11, 18:12
Hi AmyStardust

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

21-11-11, 18:17
:welcome: to nmp amy, no you are not alone, sorry to hear about your dad you will get all the support you need here, wishing you all the best x

21-11-11, 19:23
Welcome to NMP Amy, you'll find lots of help & support here. I'm pleased you're feeling a little better, sharing our thoughts & feelings is a great help.

No need to worry about posting here, we all have our days of worrying about minor things, you are sure to find someone who understands how you feel.

12-12-11, 23:03
Hey...I'm in Bristol too and having similar experiences, so let me know if you fancy a chat :) x