View Full Version : 1st Year Anniversary ME & ANXIETY

21-11-11, 18:46
Hi Guys

Hope you are all doing well as can be...

Just thought id write a lil post so im 22 in 2 weeks and have now had health anxiety for a year exactly ridiculous i cant believe how much energy this thing takes up... but anyway moving on a year ago i checked my pulse 100 times a day now i check it 5 times a week ... NOW THATS WHAT I CALL PROGRESS ...:D ! I used to think i was alone on this and i thought i was turning crazy till i found out that there was people just like me on this site ... i still have bad days but i also have good says i have anxiety 24/7 but over this past year iv learnt how to churb them and just deal with it because no matter how many times you cry, check your pulse or run to a n e only you can fix your problem ... cbt has also helped me but to be honest you will get more help sitting on here talking to people who actually understand ...

anyway rant over i just wanted to say thank you to every one who has replied to my posts over the past year gave me tips breathing techniques and so on ... they have all been a great help!

i hope that one day there will be a cure for anxiety and that some one will invent a med without all the nasty side effects so to every one whos still suffering, you can do it over time just stay positive and good things will come.

God never hands us nothink we cant handle ! as cheesy as this sounds its so true.

I as of this day will no longer let anxiety take another year of my life f that iv got places to see in this big wide world :D:yahoo:

Hope every one is okay and sees there is a light at the end of the tunnel i can see mine sort of after a year of struggle :yesyes:

Rant OVER LOL ..

luv N Stuf L xx :bighug1:

21-11-11, 18:55
Yeah been just over a year for me as well.

I truly regret that day i looked on google. That one moment has made this last year a complete misery for me.