View Full Version : Starting Sertraline tonight :(

21-11-11, 19:05
Anxiety has been seeping out in all aspects of my life - even during relaxation... all the time, racing heart, numb heavy arm. I don't believe I am ill anymore just sick with anxiety. It finds ways of destroying my inner strenght and I spend all my time acepting it only to find it is constantly reinventing itself. Anyway I am starting Sertraline tonight - any advice much appreciated. Hubby doesn't want me too and thinks I am strong enough to do this on my own. I have treid CBT and it worked, I believed in it and use the methods daily, hourly so why am I here? Can you tell I am down

21-11-11, 19:30
Maybe you do have a chemical imbalance which hopefully the Sertraline can sort out?

I'm on it.

Good Luck. :hugs:

21-11-11, 19:47
Thank you Haz... how long have you been on it? Did you have any effects?

21-11-11, 19:57
I've been on sertraline 50mg since January this year. I'm also on diazepam 12mg and zopiclone 3.75mg.

Diagnosed with Panic Disorder/Agoraphobia/GAD/Severe Recurrent Depression just over twenty years ago. Been on a lot of different meds over the years.

I had a bit of insomnia, nausea, a little increased anxiety (hence the diazepam and zopiclone). These are fairly common initial side effects with all SSRI's and you may not get them, if you do they will pass. They are just INITIAL side effect so don't worry.



21-11-11, 20:05
I'm hoping to swap to these from Prozac, hope all goes well :hugs:

21-11-11, 20:10
Thank you - little bit worried about insomnia - has I haven't been sleeping anyway and find my anxiety goes nuts after a bad night. Glad I can take zopiclone too with this. I take it I can take Diazapam too then? I did take Serraline 18 mths ago for about 3 days so I never gave it a chance.

21-11-11, 20:15
IF you get insomnia and IF you get increased anxiety then you can ask your doctor for a short course of zopiclone and Diazepam. I wouldn't take them for more than four weeks though as they can be addictive. x

21-11-11, 20:22
Thanks Haz for advice - feel bit better about taking Sertraline - took my first pill :blush:

21-11-11, 20:23
Good for you. Keep us posted with your progress. :) x

Fly away Katie
21-11-11, 20:25
Good luck :) xxx

21-11-11, 20:51
Good luck :hugs: xx

21-11-11, 22:49
I have had three attempts at Sertraline. The first two times I gave it up after a few weeks because only 'weak' people needed it, I was stronger than that etc. Etc. i am now on week 5 of my third attempt and I am feeling better, much better. i have been depressed and anxious for years and some days now I feel normal. It doesn't cloud your thoughts it just stops you dwelling on them. I did have side effects but they were manageable and well worth working through.

Some people don't need, anti-d's, some do. It's well worth a try.

21-11-11, 23:30
I think we've all felt that meds are a sign of "weakness" but I know I need them so I just "accept" it.

Glad you're feeling a bit better. Third time lucky, fingers crossed. x

macc noodle
22-11-11, 07:48
Hey Ambers

Good luck honey - never taken them myself but it looks as if there are plenty of lovely people on here who can help and support you through this journey.

The only thing I would say though re the insomnia - is get some of your favourite relaxing music on your mp3 and have it at your bedside - listen to that if you cant sleep then at least you will be resting.


Macc Noodle

22-11-11, 22:22
I'm also on Sertraline and have been for 8 years, I do believe it can help with a chemical imbalance but don't just rely on that, exercise, hobbies and eating healthy are also major factors to anxiety/depression. What dose did he put you on? I'm sure you'll start feeling better very soon. Big hugs :hugs:
Love & light Sarah xx

25-11-11, 12:57
Hey! I've been on Sertraline since 18 September after 3 weeks of constant panic attacks, not eating or sleeping. At one point I went to the doctor with my husband and he said 'I'm not taking her home, she won't get through the night.' Scary stuff. At that time, I couldn't see a way forward at all. I was totally anti-pills as I thought I'd be a zombie but I was desperate so have been taking them ever since with absolutely NO side-effects.

They do take a few weeks to work. I only started feeling alot better about 3 weeks in but since that point I can eat, sleep, go to work, everything! I hope only to be on them until I can start my CBT but they really really do help. I'd totally encourage you to give them a proper go as they've helped me SO much.

If you have any questions, just ask....


25-11-11, 13:22
Thank you Button - so reassurancing. I am coming up to my fifth pill and so far have slighty bad tummy and slight nausea but nothing too bad. I saw my doctor again this morning and she was so understanding and lovely and completely understood anxiety. She felt I had done so well for the past 18 months doing it alone and without Meds. I am too waiting for CBT and hope the pills will cover me till then.

Could I ask what dose you are on? I have started on 50mg because I am quite small but can be increased if needed later on.

I am glad you are coming out the otherside - anxiety is a really scary thing to deal with x

27-11-11, 12:50

I'm on 50mg too. I hadn't seen alot of improvement after a couple of weeks and the doctor suggested increasing it to 100mg but I said no because I don't want the process of coming off them to be harder than it needs to be. I'm personally glad that I stuck to my guns. I know the doctor was trying to make my life a bit easier but I have managed to come through the other side without having more meds and I'm really proud of myself! That's a very personal decision and I would say that if I had continued to feel as bad as I did, I'd have been upping my dose in a heartbeat!

In terms of how much longer I'll be on them, my doctor wants me to start the CBT and have a 'period of stability' before I begin weaning myself off them- I expect your doc might say the same and it seems like a sensible strategy as the CBT will give you the mental tools to cope whilst you come off the pills.

I had never thought of myself as a particularly anxious or depressed person. I've always been a bit of a hypochondriac I suppose but the last couple of months have taken me completely by surprise- not being able to see a way out of the way you are thinking and being so convinced that there is something terribly wrong is dreadful.

I know we'll both be fine- it sounds like we have been very lucky to find supportive doctors and we've got a way forward.

Let me know how you get on!


27-11-11, 16:26
Thank you Button for your response. I think I agree and hope that 50mg will be it for me. I am on day 6 now.. slight nausea and tummy problems, tired and feel slighty empty but no real anxiety yet infact my mind feels calmer but I haven't really put myself to the test - haven't done things that make me anxious. Been signed off work for three weeks but not sure if that is a good idea - I think I should face it. Anyway thank you all for your kind words and support - very appreicated x

29-11-11, 14:29
Hi Amber
I am 6 months pregnant and on sertraline 50mg.
I found it has helped and havent had any side affects so hopefully you will be ok to.