View Full Version : Genral anxiety symptoms only

21-11-11, 20:06
Is it possable to have all the symptoms of anxiety but without the worry?

21-11-11, 20:14
Yes as you can get in a heightened state with andrenaline long after the original cause has gone.

I really don't have any specific worries at the mo, my body however seems to have got itself in the habit of thinking it needs to.

Are you having any particular symptoms?

21-11-11, 22:42
I was wondering this too even when im realaxing no stress i still have the symtoms i thinkinking maybe it just takes are bodies a while to completly calm again:hugs:

22-11-11, 11:06
lol i could start but i would be here all day the worst for me is the heart palps they are horrible :) but i just walk about when i get them because if i am really gna die i wouldnt be able to just walk about be dangerous do a little jog LOL :) anxiety doesnt define u!