View Full Version : Lymph node on back i think!?

21-11-11, 22:46
well, i have a squishy very mobile lump on my back. i have looked online at diagram and have deduced from it's position it is a lymph node. the one in the center of you spine about a third of the way up.

I know being able to feel a lymph node doesn't mean it is swollen but i'm slightly worried i have lymphoma, which i have been for nearly a year! i went to a docotor who felt it and ran some blood tests including esr which came back really good and so there is almost no chance of having lymphoma.

i did notice it long before the blood test and infact it was still there when i had the blood test, so i can assume it is not cancer or lymphoma.

i jsut want some reasurance, if i go back to the doctor he will think i'm a hypocondriac and treat me with less care.

It is less than a centimeter in diamitre
It moves freely
It is squishy and soft
it hasn't grown.

should i stop worrying ?

i have no other symptoms or swollen nodes. i'm only 18 so know that lymphoma is already rare, i just want to check my reasoning.

It is safe to assume i don't have lymphoma?

22-11-11, 00:10
If you've had the tests and they are clear, you're fine!

My partner has an enlarged lymph node on his back - about 6cm x 4cm. He's had it years. Doctors have seen it when he's been for other treatments, and no-one's worried.

22-11-11, 00:19
Hi If the tests are fine then it isn't a lymphoma...but it could be a lipoma which (despite the name) is perfectly benign. It is simply a collection of fat cells ("lipid" = fat). They are quite harmless and millions of people get them. Don't worry.