View Full Version : Eye floaters and sparks

21-11-11, 23:01
Hi does anyone have eye sparks and really anoying eye floaters? Ive had my eyes checked dilated etc no eye disease or damage apparently eyes are healthy, the eye man said they will disapear over time but may take months and months.I find it very upseting especially when outside does anyone else have this or had it before? any tips on how to deal with this?

21-11-11, 23:06
I have a floater in my one eye, looks like a black line in my vision at times. I have had my eyes checked too and all was fine.

Not sure I can offer any advice to help though :(

22-11-11, 00:54
Hi fluff
I have the eye sparks too. It can be a bit scary but I've had them for ages and put it down to anxiety.

22-11-11, 06:20
I get the eye sparks (if you mean like seeing stars?) when I look to the left or right too hard. My optician looked at my eyes using a machine that is like an ultrasound, and said the veins are a little furred up, almost like hardening of the arteries. He said I have slight arteriosclerosis in the eye veins and this is what is causing the stars. Nothing major to worry about though!

22-11-11, 15:57
Thanks its nice to know im not alone with this :)

22-11-11, 17:47
Yep, I had my eyes dilated and tested for this 'problem' about 25 years ago. I have loads of floaters and sparkly bits, notably worse in bright light. I sometimes also see a blue flash when looking sideways at things. There was nothing wrong with my eyes then, and these is nothing wrong now either (last went to the optician earlier this year), but they are most definitely still there and probably worse than they used to be. I believe they are little 'bits' in the jelly of the eye, and once you start to focus on them they become incredibly annoying. 99.99999% of the time I don't notice them any more as my brain now 'screens them out', but once I do notice them they really irritate me.

22-11-11, 19:15
I was really annoyed an anxious about my floaters for ages. But I never even notice them now. You subconsciously look to the light when you are worried about them. Doh. Now you've reminded me, I keep noticing them again now. Thanks D:
love and peace :shades:

22-11-11, 22:41
OK thanks guys i will try to stop thinking about them and hopefully i stop seeing them i get a blue light aswell so irratating.I found wearing my glasses today helped made me feel abit more secure they only for driveing but i think i wear them outside all the time now

23-11-11, 07:16
Hey fluff, you repeating exactly what I did all those years ago :winks: I found that wearing sun glasses helped me 'not see' the floaters etc. Eventually I was wearing them outside sun or rain LOL (actually snow is terrible, can't see a thing in that !) and people were asking why on earth I was wearing them when it was practically dark. Be careful not to make them a prop/security item, as I felt I could not cope without them and eventually you have to just get your brain used to 'not seeing' floaters in normal light.

23-11-11, 14:44
Thanks Carys i was actully thinking about wearing my sunglasses today lol and its foggy:shades: The fog really show them up :weep:

23-11-11, 15:32
I KNOW !!!!! Fog is the worst, and grey days made me see them more for some reason, almost as if the grey sky showed them up easier.

23-11-11, 17:52
My glasses steam up when I drink tea :(

23-11-11, 18:30
I like that Panchogoz. Made me smile as its silly!

23-11-11, 19:21

So, they are ok with coffee and hot chocolate ? :D

23-11-11, 20:35

23-11-11, 21:22
Ah you're right. Maybe tea isn't the only thing that steams them up :whistles:
My jokes are just spec-tacular.

24-11-11, 07:38

25-11-11, 16:44
I have had one floater that I can remember seeing since I was 6 years old that has a very distict shape and is very crisp in my vision. Strange... But recently I have noticed that I have a lot more. I have been kind of obsessing about them but a bit to scared to ask a doctor about it. Also, I see sparks, especially when straining or standing up to fast.