View Full Version : im such a coward!!!

30-05-06, 16:09
really hate myself today!!! rather than face the car park i phoned in sick now i feel i have caved into these stupid panic attacks and im already getting stewed up at the thought of work tomorrow!!! ive gotta get a grip but feel like im drowning in a sea of panic!!! kaz x

30-05-06, 16:43
Hi kazzie

You are fine - you are absolutely fine - you are frightened of having a panic attack but you can do it - just breathe deeply from your bellybutton and say to yourself |"calm" it cant hurt you - its your body seeing threats that arent there and it pumps out adrenaline to help you but you just tell you mind- Im ok - Im fine - Im safe -
It sounds 3easy I know - I have had PAs for a long time now - went to the gym today for first proper time in years and felt dizzy and breathless before I even got on any equipment. Its just one step at a time - you can do it. We are all here for you. Love wenjoy x

marie ross
30-05-06, 17:03
Hi Kazzie,

I know its scary but that car park won't hurt you, just try and make yourself walk across it. You'll feel shaky and scared but when you've done it, you'll feel so much better for it. It will get easier. I had the same thing with a road i had to cross to get to work, everytime i looked at it i felt sick, but every day i made myself walk across it and now its does'nt bother me. Please try, you will be fine.

Take care.

marie XXX

30-05-06, 18:43
Hi there, You are not a coward, just having a rough time, you will be fine tomorrow, lovely bath/candles/music, good nights sleep, do not be scared, it will not hurt you, and let us know how you get on, car parks, phew i couldn't even parallel park my car!!!!!!

30-05-06, 19:46

would it be possible to visit that car park again with a friend out of work time and re set your thoughts about that car park ?

For example ;

Get your boyfriend to take you there and give you a big passionate kiss right there in that car park so when you visit it again you can think of that car park as a kiss,,,,,,,it really is about the way you look at things.
what ever you do DONT avoid it , this is a huge mistake .
You can do it


31-05-06, 22:23
thank you all for the support went to work today and forced myself to look at car park but dident cross it i did intend to but when i got to work my boss had nicked my parking space so had to walk a few more yards to get to office which threw me totally!!! i logged onto here and read youre messages and it helped me thro the day so thank you all and mirry loved the kiss idea might try that out when the coast is clear!!! will let you all know if i do the car park tommorrow i feel i must try cause want to tell you all i did it!!! thanks again luv kazzie x